The Eighth North American Syriac Symposium will take place on June 16-19, 2019 at Brown University. Registration is open, and information about travel and lodging can be found on the conference website.

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The program for the symposium has been updated. Readers of the IQSA Blog should give special attention to sessions 4C and 5B on Tuesday, June 18. Scheduled papers include:
Session 4C, “Encounters with Islam”
Laura Locke Estes (Saint Louis University), “Etiologies in Syriac Christian Accounts of the Origins of Islam”
Kelli Bryant Gibson (Abilene Christian University), “Interreligious Polemic in the Works of John of Dara”
Michael Payne (Brown University), “East Syrians and the Design Complex in 9th Century Iraq”
Joshua Mugler (Georgetown University and Hill Museum and Manuscript Library), “An Egyptian History of Syriac”
Session 5B, “The Translation Movement”
Nestor Kavvadas (University of Siegen), “Non-Arabs Standing Together? The Barmakid Viziers and Syriac and Greek Elites in the Age of the Translation Movement”
George A. Kiraz (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton), and Beth Mardutho (The Syriac Institute, Piscataway, NJ), “Are we Overstating or Understating the Role of Syriac in the Abbasid Translation Movement?”
Kevin J. Ball (The Catholic University of America), “The East Syriac Heritage into Arabic: Ibn al-Tayyib’s Commentary on the Gospels”
Please direct any questions to for more information.
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