New IQSA Blog Coordinator: Meet Rachel!

New IQSA Blog Coordinator: Meet Rachel!

The International Qur’anic Studies Association is pleased to welcome a fresh face to its Executive Office! This year, Rachel Dryden (University of Cambridge) joins the team as IQSA’s new Blog Coordinator. Rachel’s active commitment to IQSA’s mission and subject expertise make her a valuable addition to the IQSA community.


Following an undergraduate degree in modern European languages (Durham, 2006), Rachel decided to learn a non-European language and chose Arabic, leading to a master’s in Near and Middle Eastern Studies at SOAS (2009). She was then awarded a DAAD (German State) scholarship to undertake a master’s in Jewish Studies at the Institute for Jewish Studies, at the University of Heidelberg, Germany and Karl-Franzens University in Graz, Austria, which she completed with distinction in 2011. Rachel then undertook an MPhil in Islamic Studies and History at Oxford (2016), focusing on qur’ānic exegesis and furthering her knowledge of the languages required for research on her chosen subject: Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac, Greek and Coptic. Her doctoral thesis will examine how angels are depicted in the Qur’ān and their use in the narrative structure of the stories in which they appear. Rachel was a critical part of last year’s Annual Meeting in Boston, MA, collaborating with Conor Dube (Ph.D. Candidate, Harvard University) to compose the yearly Conference Report.

IQSA welcomes its members and affiliates to contribute to its mission by submitting content for its weekly blog! Examples of past blog posts can be found HERE. Content can range from relevant event announcements to professional development opportunities to literature reviews and more. Submissions should be pertinent to the Qur’anic Studies, Late Antiquity, or Islam.

Submissions will be evaluated according to their relevance to IQSA and the interest of its members. Please send your submission to to be considered. Questions? Email for clarification.

Once again, a warm welcome to Rachel Dryden as IQSA’s newest member of the Executive Office!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2018. All rights reserved.

Reading is Believing? Sacred Texts in a Scientific Age (26-28 March 2018)


Mon, 26 Mar 2018, 16:00 – Wed, 28 Mar 2018, 14:00 BST


Clare College, University of Cambridge
Trinity Lane
Cambridge CB2 1TL
United Kingdom

Screen Shot 2018-03-05 at 12.41.11 PM

How have the scriptural traditions of Islam and Christianity been interpreted in the modern age? In particular, what challenges have been posed to the Bible and Qur’an by developments in science and technology? These are the core questions of this multi-disciplinary academic colloquium, which will be held at Clare College, Cambridge on 26-28 March 2018. Further details, including the Call for Papers, are available at

Registration and payment for the event can be made by following the instructions on this site. A student discount is available for attendees who are studying either full or part-time at a registered higher education institution. Proof of student status will be required at registration. All other attendees should select full-rate options on the payment page.

The event is facilitated by the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion in collaboration with the Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge. Any questions about the colloquium should be directed to Dr Caroline Tee at

Registrations will close at midnight on Wednesday 14th March.


*Content courtesy of Dr. Caroline Tee (St. Edmund’s College) and 


© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2018. All rights reserved.