Streamed Conference “The Qurʾān and Syriac Christianity: Recurring Themes and Motifs” December 5-7

Streamed Conference “The Qurʾān and Syriac Christianity: Recurring Themes and Motifs” December 5-7


The study of the Qurʾān in light of pre-Islamic Syrian Christian texts has a long tradition among Western scholars. Indeed, the profound significance of Syriac for a better understanding of the Quran has been a recurring theme in academic exchanges. Still, despite the importance of Syriac, a conference devoted to the relation of the Qurʾān with Syrian Christian traditions has yet to take place. In line with existing scholarship, the conference The Qurʾān and Syriac Christianity: Recurring Themes and Motifs takes stock of this trend while providing new profound insights into the continuities of the Qurʾān with Syriac Christianity.This three-day international conference pioneers in its focus on the relationship between the Qurʾān and pre-Islamic Syriac Christianity. By taking recurring themes and motifs as a starting point, the conference emphasizes differences between the Quran and Syrian Christian traditions as well. As the conference seeks to investigate how the Qurʾān reacts to pre-Islamic Syrian Christian traditions, approaches to be taken and themes to be addressed during the three-day event include:

1. The Qurʾān ‘ s employment and reshaping of themes and motifs known from Syrian Christianity from the advent of Syriac literature to the emergence of East (Nestorian) and West (Jacobite, Miaphysite) Syrian traditions

2. The Qurʾān’s conversation with pre-Islamic West or East Syrian traditions in particular

3. The co-relation of Meccan and Medinan layers of the Qurʾān according to the Nöldekean chronology or its further refinements by Angelika Neuwirth and Nicolai Sinai with West or East Syrian traditions

4. The relationship of the intra-qurʾānic parallels with divergent Syriac traditions

To explore the co-relation of the Quran with Syriac traditions, the conference brings together an international group of specialists in Syriac Christianity, Eastern Christianity, and Semitic Studies more broadly, experts in comparative religions and religious studies, as well as scholars of the Quran , Islamic theology, and Islamic Studies. This wide range of presented fields provides us with an opportunity to analyze the connections of the Qurʾān to pre-Qurʾānic Syrian Christian traditions from different angles and with diverse methodological tools. The conference also serves as a meeting place for early career scholars and established, senior academics.

Research presentations will be streamed online and can be accessed upon pre-registration. To register, please contact Bilal Badat: bilal.badat

The conference is organized by Ana Davitashvili .

Conference posters →

Conference time table →

Conference Abstracts →

Call for Papers for Early Career Scholars: “The Qurʾān and Syriac Christianity: Recurring Themes and Motifs”

The ERC project “The Qurʾān as a Source for Late Antiquity” (QaSLA) invites Early Career Scholars to submit papers for the conference The Qurʾān and Syriac Christianity: Recurring Themes and Motifs to be held in Tuebingen, Germany from December 5-7, 2022.

The three-day international conference pioneers in its focus on the relationship between the Qurʾān with Syriac Christianity. The event will bring together an international group of specialists in Syriac Christianity as well as scholars of the Qurʾān to explore how the Qurʾān reacts to Syrian Christian traditions and the extent to which it serves as a historical witness to Syriac Christianity in Arabia.

The conference welcomes proposals for papers that engage any aspect of the Qurʾān’s conversation with Syriac Christianity. Approaches to be taken and themes to be addressed may include, but are not limited to:

  • The Qurʾān’s employment and reshaping of themes and motifs known from Syrian Christianity – from the very beginnings of Syriac literature to the emergence of East and West Syrian traditions
  • The Qurʾān’s conversation with West or East Syrian traditions in particular
  • The co-relation of West or East Syrian traditions with the Meccan and Medinan layers of the Qurʾān according to the Noeldekean chronology or its further refinements by Angelika Neuwirth and Nicolai Sinai
  • The relationship of the intra-qurʾānic parallels with divergent Syriac traditions

Travel and accommodation expenses in Tuebingen for the duration of the research symposium will be covered by QaSLA.

This call for papers invites Early Career Researchers (PhD candidates and within five years of the award of the PhD). It seeks to promote outstanding research of early career scholars and bring them in conversation with established scholars of Qurʾānic Studies and Syriac Christianity.

Please note that all proposals must include:

  • Author name and affiliation
  • C.V.
  • Paper title
  • 250-word paper abstract (written in English)

Abstract Due: May 6

For questions and proposals contact: Ana Davitashvili, University of Tuebingen,

Call for Papers: The Eighth North American Syriac Symposium

The Eighth North American Syriac Symposium

Brown University | Providence, RI

June 16-19, 2019

The Eighth North American Syriac Symposium will convene at Brown University on June 16-19, 2019. Held every four years since 1991, the North American Syriac Symposium brings together scholars and students for exchange and discussion on a wide variety of topics related to the language, literature, and cultural history of Syriac Christianity, extending chronologically from the first centuries CE to the present day and geographically from Syriac Christianity’s homeland in the Middle East to South India, China, and the worldwide diaspora.


Image Source:

We invite paper proposals for the 2019 Brown Syriac Symposium on the theme of…

Syriac Worlds: Interactions, Exchanges, Contributions.

Throughout its long history, Syriac Christianity has flourished in the midst of other languages, religions, cultures, and societies. However turbulent its circumstances, Syriac has enabled distinctive articulations and cultural expressions for its speakers. Moreover, not only have there been constant interactions, but Syriac has been an active medium of exchange. Contributions, borrowings, adaptations, and innovations have characterized the literary, material, philological, and cultural productions of Syriac speakers from the start. This Symposium welcomes proposals for scholarly papers on all topics that address Syriac in any of its historical time periods, within this broad theme.

Proposals may be submitted either for individual papers or as part of a proposed panel. Individual presentations must be limited to 20 minutes, plus 5 minutes of discussion time. Please submit contact information for the presenter(s) and an abstract of 250-350 words. Those wishing to propose a panel of 3 or 4 papers (4 papers maximum) on a specific theme must submit a separate abstract for each presentation, a title for the panel, and full contact information for all presenters and the session moderator.

All proposals should be submitted electronically to on or before January 2, 2019. Notification of acceptances of paper and panel proposals will be made in early February, with a view to publishing the program in early March.

In addition to papers and panels, the symposium will feature keynote lectures by:

  • Liv Ingebord Lied, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo
  • Kathleen McVey, Princeton Theological Seminary (emerita)
  • Ellen Muehlberger, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
  • Michael Penn, Stanford University
  • Columba Stewart, St. John’s University David G. K. Taylor, Oxford University

Additional information for the Symposium can be found at the following website which will be updated regularly: 0/syriac-symposium.

If you have any questions, please contact us at:

We look forward to welcoming you to Brown University in the summer of 2019!

Best wishes,

Susan Ashbrook Harvey
on behalf of the local steering committee:


Local Steering Committee:
Susan Ashbrook Harvey, Brown University (Chair)
Sargon Donabed, Roger Williams University
Jae Hee Han, Brown University
Sandra Keating, Providence College
Nancy Khalek, Brown University
Ute Possekel, Harvard Divinity School


*Content courtesy of Susan Ashbrook Harvey (Director, Program in Early Cultures Interim Chair, Dept. of Religious Studies | Brown University)