Summer School “The Qur’an in inter-Christian polemic” June 2022

Summer School “The Qur’an in inter-Christian polemic” June 2022


The ERC European Research Project ‘The European Qur’an‘ will organize a Summer School on the theme “The Qur’an in inter-Christian polemic” which will take place in Nantes, France from June 13-17, 2022. There is still time to apply to participate! Submit proposals for a 20-minute paper by December 15, 2021.

How have Christian authors in Europe used and appropriated the Qur’an?   We are interested in how the Qur’an was used as a historical and linguistic archive, as a mine of heretical ideas and as a tool used in confessional rivalries. Our focus will not be restricted to the main confessional camps, Roman Catholic and Protestant, but will also include the many ways in which groups of the so called radical Reformation (Socianians and other anti-Trinitarian movements), different groups inside the Roman Catholic world, as well as Deist, Muslim and Jewish authors in Europe, used the Qur’an in their polemical writings. We will also study how translations of the Qur’an were deployed as argumentative weapons for preaching the superiority of Christianity to Mudejars and Moriscos in Spain. Additionally, the question of nationalist motivations in the collecting and translating of the Qur’an will also be taken into consideration: beginning in the late 17th century, various European countries vied with one another to produce the best translation of the Qur’an made directly from the Arabic.  We will further investigate if and how polemical and historical uses of the Qur’an changed in the late 17th and 18th century and early 19th century. The Qur’an continues to play an important role in polemical writings, in political as well as religious domains.

A series of roundtables with presentations of research by PhD students and postdocs.  Each roundtable will be hosted by two colleagues.

Presentations may be made in English or in French.

The summer school is open to doctoral students enrolled in any country, in any discipline, as long as their dissertation subject and the proposed talk are related to the theme of the summer school.

The summer school will be financed by EuQu and the University of Nantes and will be free of cost to the students accepted. Participants will be lodged in student housing at no cost. Lunch will be provided free to participants. Travel to Nantes will not be paid by EuQu, and participants should seek funding from their home institutions.

The summer school will take place 13-17 June 2022. Doctoral students will each make a 20-minute presentation; faculty from EuQu and other partner institutions will chair the panels and give their reactions to student presentations.  While it is preferable to attend the full summer school in Nantes, in some cases online presentations will be accepted.

Covid protocol during the event :
Due to sanitary protocols and restrictions, you may need to show a “green pass”: a proof of vaccination or negative PCR test before entering the premises.

Submission guidelines:
Proposals for a 20-minute paper may be submitted, by December 15, 2021, to Proposals may be in English or in French and should consist of a .doc file containing:

  • full name and affiliation of the doctoral student, along with the name(s) of their dissertation director(s)
  • title for the proposed communication
  • an abstract (200-500 words) of the communication
  • a list of 5-10 keywords
  • A CV

Approval and confirmation:
The program committee will confirm receipt of each proposition and will respond by 31 January 2022. A draft of the paper should be sent by 15 May 2022 to permit pre-circulation among the participants.

Program committee :

  • Maurizio Busca
  • Florence Ninitte
  • Irene Reginato
  • Emmanuelle Stefanidis
  • John Tolan

Read the Call (PDF)

Content courtesy of Amanda Rio de Pedro (IAS-Nantes)

Upcoming Summer School: Philology & Manuscripts from the Islamic World

The Leiden University Centre for the Study of Islam and Society (LUCIS) will offer its third Summer school on philology and manuscripts from the muslim world from August 20–30, 2019. This summer school is for graduate (MA and PhD) students and researchers who have an interest in handwritten materials, editing, and the tradition of editing in the Muslim world. It offers theoretical lectures as well as hands-on practice with samples from the world-famous collections of the Leiden University Library.


Over the course of two weeks, specialists from Leiden University and beyond will provide theoretical instruction on issues of editing, paleography, conservation and other material aspects of oriental manuscripts. They will also speak about philology, literacy and orality and the transmission of knowledge in the Islamic manuscript culture, presenting case-studies from various parts of the Muslim world. Participants can use this information to practice their skills in producing a sample critical edition of a manuscript of their choice, under the supervision of experts.

Since the first contributions of scholars such as Scaliger, Golius and Warner, the Leiden University Library has housed one of the most important collections of oriental manuscripts in Europe. It includes thousands of Arabic, Persian and Ottoman manuscripts, not only from the historic heartlands of Islam but also from Asia, al-Andalus and Africa. Each participant will have full access to this collection as well as other library services.

Practical information

  • Language of instruction: English. Non-native speakers are required to have a command of English equivalent to at least TOEFL 550.
  • Costs: €750,- (including access to the library). Participants are expected to provide for their own travel, visa (if applicable), accommodation and living expenses. LUCIS will provide invitation letters for participants who need to apply for a visa.
  • Reduced fee: Participants who are unable to secure financial support from their home institution may be eligible for reduced fees. Please contact LUCIS at for more information about the possibility of a reduced fee.


Graduate (MA and PhD) students and researchers who have an interest in handwritten materials and text editing are encouraged to apply for participation in the summer school. Applications should include:

  • A letter of motivation specifying what research language(s) the applicant masters;
  • A curriculum vitae;
  • If you are a non-native speaker of English: a certificate testifying command of the English language (TOEFL 550 or equivalent).

The deadline for applications is Monday 17 June, 2019. Participants will be informed about their application by Friday 28 June, 2019.  Send your application to

Text and image accessed and reproduced with the kind permission of Romy Koreman:–manuscripts-from-the-muslim-world

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2019. All rights reserved.

Summer School in Oriental Languages: July 5 – 14, Venice, Italy

The third Summer School in Oriental Languages, organized by the University of Lausanne, took place at Venice International University, on the island of San Sèrvolo, from July 4 – 14. This year, 33 participants from more than a dozen universities in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the UK and the USA attended courses on a range of Ancient, Late Antique and Modern Oriental Languages such as Arabic, Coptic, Ge’ez, Hebrew, Syriac and Sumerian. A number of minor courses in Hebrew and Aramaic inscriptions, Semitic lexicology and non-alphabetic languages were also offered in addition to the main language courses.


Venice International University offers a fanastic location for studying on the Venetian island of San Sèrvolo.

Participants on the summer school were also able to visit the monastery of San Lazzaro degli Armeni, which is based on the island next to San Sèrvolo, and has been home to the Armenian Mekhitarist community since 1717.


Amongst its collection of paintings and objects d’art, the monastery’s library houses a number of manuscripts and books, including some Islamic/qur’ānic ones.


An 8th century Qur’ān fragment in kufic script. Reproduced courtesy of San Lazzaro degli Armeni.

The summer school represents a rare opportunity to study some of the languages that relate to the broader field of qur’ānic/Islamic studies. Thanks to Professor David Hamidovic (Lausanne), for this initiative and also to the administrative coordinator in Lausanne, Salomé Evard and her team. Applications for next year’s summer school will open in Spring of 2019 and IQSA will endeavour to keep you updated.

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2018. All rights reserved.

2017 Summer School on Calligraphy and Typeface

Need some intellectual and creative stimulation for the summer? Check out these valuable opportunities at the Kuficpedia School on Islamic Art of Kufic Calligraphy!


What? 2017 Summer School on Calligraphy and Typeface
Ahwaz, Iran
14 Jun – 14 Aug 2017

This summer, Vahid M. Jazayeri  will conduct 3 courses to learn Typeface and Islamic calligraphy:

  1. Primary Kufic Calligraphy
  2. – Eastern Kufic Calligraphy
  3. – Logotype and Typeface designing based on traditional calligraphy

About:  Discover the Qalam (Arabic wooden pen) and let it take you on a journey to learn how to write in Primary and Eastern Kufic Calligraphy on Manuscripts as well as how to design typefaces based on traditional calligraphy together with well-established calligrapher Vahid Jazayeri with more than 25 years experience in the field.

5 Things you’ll take Home
1. Learn the history of Calligraphy
2. Get acquainted with the Kufic Calligraphy Alphabet
3. Learn how to use a Qalam (traditional Arabic wooden pen)
4. Learn how to write Kufic Calligraphy and how to design your typeface
5. Create your own written pieces

It is a unique opportunity for those interested to learn how to design logos or typefaces based on traditional calligraphy. The master of the course, Mr. S.M. Vahid M. Jazayeri has more than 25 years of experiences on how to create a combination between traditional calligraphy and modern logo or typeface designing. Mr. S.M. Vahid M. Jazayeri has rediscovered how to write Kufic script with a traditional instrument (Qalam) after hundreds of years. He has several books on Kufic calligraphy and conducted manytutorial workshops in different countries. His professional interest in script and calligraphy stimulated his discovery of the historic method for cutting the Kufic pen, which has had a direct impact on his own work, as seen in a number of well-received exhibitions and workshops.


Kūfic scriptin calligraphy, earliest extant Islamic style of handwritten alphabet that was used by early Muslims to record the Quran. Thisslow-moving, dignified script was also used on tombstones and coins as well as for inscriptions on buildings. Some experts distinguish Kūfi proper from Meccan and Medinese scripts, which were also used to copy the Qurʾān.

Visit the Kuficpedia School’s website for more information!

The text and images on the post were taken courtesy of the Kuficpedia School’s Event Page at

Summer School “The Arabic Manuscript: Codicology, Palaeography, and History” Tunis – National Library July 10-15, 2017

The National Library of Tunisia and the University of Strasbourg, with the support of the Barakat Foundation and Max van Berchem Foundation, organize a summer school on “The Arabic Manuscript: Codicology, Palaeography and History,” in Tunis, National Library, July 10-15, 2017.

The history of intellectual production, books and libraries in Tunisia is a very rich and long-standing one. The largest collection of premodern, mainly Arabic manuscripts is preserved in the National Library in Tunis. It consists of ca. 25.000 volumes, in addition to thousands of other codices and leaves in the Centre for the Study of Islamic Arts and Civilisation in Raqqada, Kairouan, and in a few other places. This manuscript heritage covers a period of over a millennium (9th – 19th C.) and contains important testimonies to the history of the region.

The summer school aims at offering a substantial training course on the Arabic manuscript with a focus on this heritage.  During six days, some of the most eminent specialists in the field will propose theoretical and practical workshop sessions on the different aspects of the subject, especially codicology and palaeography, with the objective of providing the participants with the knowledge and methods necessary to analyse Arabic manuscripts in research, editing or cataloguing projects. Moreover, the participants will have the opportunity to access one of the most important manuscript collections in the Maghreb and the Arab world. They will also be able to visit several other collections, museums and monuments in Tunis and Kairouan.

The speakers include Jean-Louis Estève (Ecole Supérieure Estienne des Arts et Industries Graphiques, Paris) ; Alain George (University of Edinburgh) ; Asma Hilali (Institute of Ismaili Studies, London) ; Mustapha Jaouhari (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) ; Francis Richard (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Bibliothèque Universitaire des Langues et Civilisations, Paris) ; Rachida Smine (National Library of Tunisia) ; Aurélia Stréri (independent book conservator, Paris).

The number of participants is limited. Preregistration is compulsory. Masters’ students, PhD candidates, librarians and researchers working on Arabic manuscripts will be given priority. Please send a short CV and cover letter to before April 30, 2017.

The main languages of the summer school are French and Arabic.

Organisation and contacts: Rachida Smine, Deputy Director of the Manuscript Department, National Library of Tunisia, and/or Nourane Ben Azzouna, Associate Professor, University of Strasbourg:

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2017. All rights reserved.


Ecole d’été : Le manuscrit arabe : codicologie, paléographie et histoire
Tunis – Bibliothèque Nationale de Tunisie, 10-15 juillet 2017

La Bibliothèque Nationale de Tunisie et l’Université de Strasbourg, grâce au soutien de la Barakat Foundation et de la Fondation Max van Berchem, organisent une école d’été intitulée « Le manuscrit arabe : codicologie, paléographie et histoire » à Tunis, à la Bibliothèque Nationale de Tunisie, du 10 au 15 juillet 2017.

L’histoire de la production intellectuelle, des livres et des bibliothèques en Tunisie est particulièrement riche et ancienne. La plus grande collection de manuscrits, essentiellement en arabe, est conservée à Tunis, à la Bibliothèque Nationale. Elle se compose d’environ 25.000 volumes, auxquels s’ajoutent plusieurs milliers d’autres volumes et feuillets au Centre d’Etudes de la Civilisation et des Arts Islamiques à Raqqada, Kairouan, et dans quelques autres collections. Ce patrimoine manuscrit couvre une période de plus d’un millénaire (IXe-XIXe s.) et est riche de témoignages importants de l’histoire de la région.

L’école d’été vise à offrir une formation substantielle sur le manuscrit arabe avec un accent sur ce patrimoine. Pendant six jours, quelques-uns des plus éminents spécialistes des manuscrits arabes proposeront des enseignements théoriques et des ateliers pratiques sur les différents aspects du sujet, en particulier la codicologie et la paléographie, dans le but de permettre aux participants d’acquérir les méthodes nécessaires à l’analyse des manuscrits arabes dans le cadre d’un travail de recherche, d’édition ou de catalogage. De plus, les participants auront l’opportunité d’accéder à l’une des plus importantes collections de manuscrits du Maghreb et du monde arabe. Ils pourront aussi visiter plusieurs autres collections, musées et monuments à Tunis et à Kairouan.

Intervenants : Jean-Louis Estève (Ecole Supérieure Estienne des Arts et Industries Graphiques, Paris) ; Alain George (Université d’Edinburgh) ; Asma Hilali (Institut d’Etudes Ismaéliennes, Londres) ; Mustapha Jaouhari (Université Bordeaux Montaigne) ; Francis Richard (Bibliothèque nationale de France, Bibliothèque Universitaire des Langues et Civilisations, Paris) ; Rachida Smine (Bibliothèque Nationale de Tunisie) ; Aurélia Stréri (restauratrice indépendante, Paris).

Le nombre de places est limité. L’inscription est donc obligatoire. Les étudiants en Master 2 et en Doctorat ainsi que les enseignants, chercheurs, bibliothécaires et professionnels qui travaillent sur les manuscrits arabes sont prioritaires. Envoyez un bref CV et lettre de motivation à avant le 30 avril 2017.

La formation sera essentiellement en français et en arabe.

Les participants qui le souhaitent recevront une attestation de formation.

Organisation et contacts : Rachida Smine, Sous-Directrice du Département des Manuscrits, Bibliothèque Nationale de Tunisie et/ou Nourane Ben Azzouna, Maître de conférences, Université de Strasbourg :

©Association internationale des études coraniques, 2017. Tous les droits sont réservés.


دورة تدريبية: المخطوط العربي: الكوديكولوجيا، الخطوط، التاريخ
المكتبة الوطنية التونسية، 10- 15 جويلية 2017، تونس

تنظم المكتبة الوطنية وجامعة سترازبورغ بمساعدة “مؤسسة بركات” و”مؤسسة ماكس فان برشام” دورة تدريبية بعنوان “المخطوط العربي: الكوديكولوجيا، الخطوط، التاريخ” بالمكتبة الوطنية التونسية، 10- 15 جويلية 2017، تونس.

تزخر تونس بإنتاج فكري غزير ويتبيّن ذلك من عدد مخطوطاتها ومكتباتها. تحتوي المكتبة الوطنية على رصيد ثري من المخطوطات العربية ما يقارب 24.000 مجلد، إلى جانب آلاف المخطوطات بمركز الدراسات الاسلامية برقادة- القيروان وبعض الأرصدة الخاصة. يعكس هذا الرصيد حصيلة ما يزيد عن عشرة قرون من التراكم المعرفي والفني (تقريبا من القرن التاسع إلى القرن التاسع عشر)، ويبرز ما شهدته إفريقية والعالم العربي والإسلامي من إشعاع علمي وثقافي.

وتتناول هذه الدورة برنامجا مكثفا حول المخطوطات العربية عموما والتونسية والمغاربية خصوصا وتشتمل على عدة مداخلات في علم المخطوطات (الكوديكولوجيا) والخطوط والفهرسة وﺍﻠﺘﺤﻘﻴﻖ ويعقب ذلك عدد من ورشات العمل تتناول .التطبيق العملي للمحاضرات النظرية. سيحاضر في هذه الدورة مجموعة من الأساتذة والباحثين المختصين

سيتعرف المشاركون، على هامش هذه الدورة، على المكتبة الوطنية وأرصدتها الثرية، ﺇﻠﻰ ﺟﺎﻨﺐ مركز الدراسات الاسلامية .برقادة، القيروان

(المعهد العالي إﻴﺴتيان للفنون والرسوم الصناعية، باريس) Jean-Louis Estève
(جامعة ادنبرة) Alain George
(أسماء هلالي (مركز الدراسات الاسماعيلية، لندن
(مصطفى جوهري (جامعة بوردو، مونتانيو
(المكتبة الوطنية الفرنسية، المكتبة الجامعية للغات والحضارات، باريس) Francis Richard
(رشيدة السمين (المكتبة الوطنية، تونس
(مرمّمة مخطوطات، باريس)Aurélia Stréri

:المشرف على الدورة
(رشيدة السمين (كاهية مدير، المكتبة الوطنية التونسية
(نوران بن عزونة (أستاذة محاضرة، جامعة سترازبورغ


  الطلبة والباحثون المهتمون بالمخطوطات –
اختصاصيو المخطوطات بالمكتبات –

:الزمان والمكان
جويلية 2017، المكتبة الوطنية، تونس

:المدّة وعددالساعات
أيام 6
يوميا من الساعة 8.00 إلى الساعة 14.30

:لغة الدورة
العربية والفرنسية

يُرجى إرسال سيرة ذاتية ومطلب مشاركة على الموقع التالي

الأماكن محدودة لذا يرجى الحجز قبل يوم 30 أفريل 2017

تُسلّم في نهاية الدورة شهادة تفيد المشاركة أو الحضور في الدورة التدريبية

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2017. All rights reserved.