Schedule Posted! IQSA 2024 in London

Schedule Posted! IQSA 2024 in London

IQSA is excited to announce the schedule for this year’s Annual Conference hosted by the Institute of Ismaili Studies at the Aga Khan Centre in King’s Cross, London. The conference will take place in-person only from July 15-18, 2024.

Find the full schedule at Save abstracts of presentations you want to attend by clicking on the bookmark icon after logging in.

Registration for the conference is now open! Please book as soon as possible to lock in the best possible rates, which will increase in the coming weeks. Select accommodations must be reserved on the registration form, so remember to visit the accommodations page prior to registration.

Register at

On the registration form, you will have the option to express interest in…

1.      Childcare – Please check this box ASAP so IQSA can make arrangements accordingly in London. More details to follow.

2.      Aga Khan Centre Tours – Building tours will be scheduled during lunch breaks every day of the conference. Please indicate your day of interest on the form. Availability is limited.

3.      Graduate Student Luncheon – This is a valuable opportunity for graduate students and emerging scholars to mingle with established experts in Qur’anic studies in a more relaxed setting with a light lunch in a semi-private dining area. Please indicate whether you want to participate as a mentor or early career scholar. Availability is limited.

Need to update your registration? You can make changes by following these instructions.

Please note that all travel grants have been awarded at this time. The Call for Papers has also closed.

Official letters of invitation to support visa applications are available. Please email with your full name and address, in addition to any other details you require.

A friendly reminder that IQSA membership is required to attend the conference. Register at and receive one full year of benefits, including conference attendance in London and San Diego, access to IQSA publications, professional development opportunities, and more.

Questions? We are here to help! Please direct all inquiries to

We look forward to seeing you in London!

Keynote Speaker Announced! IQSA 2024 in London

The International Qur’anic Studies Association is excited to announce the keynote speaker for its 2024 Annual Meeting in LondonAhmad Al-Jallad.

Ahmad Al-JalladAhmad Al-Jallad is a philologist, epigraphist, and historian of language. His work focuses on the languages, writing systems, history, and cultures of pre-Islamic Arabia and the ancient Near East. His latest book reconstructs the religion and rituals of Arabia’s pre-Islamic tribespeople: The Religion and Rituals of the Nomads of Pre-Islamic Arabia: A Reconstruction Based on the Safaitic Inscriptions (Brill 2022). For more of Al-Jallad’s work, see

Read about the keynote addressʾAṣdāʾu kalāmi l-ḥiǧār fī luġati l-ʾaqlāmi wa-l-ʾasfār: The Quran in light of 1500 years of pre-Islamic Arabian epigraphyat this link.


Registration for the Annual Meeting in London is now open! Visit to register.

Limited travel grants will be available, with preference given to paper presenters and panelists. To apply, please check the corresponding box on the registration form. Find discounted accommodations here.

We look forward to seeing you in London!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2024. All rights reserved.

Early Bird Registration Ends TODAY!

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If you’re attending IQSA’s Annual Meeting in San Antonio this fall, remember to register TODAY before rates increase! Early Bird registration saves you over $50 compared to regular rates.

To sign up, Register as a Member of an Affiliate Organization hereScroll to the bottom of the page for the Affiliate link and choose “International Qur’anic Studies Association” in the drop-down menu. Please note you must be an active IQSA member to attend.

To find more details about the Annual Meeting, visit We look forward to seeing you in San Antonio! 


Reminders & Updates: IQSA Denver Annual Meeting


The IQSA Annual Meeting held in conjunction with the American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature is one short week away (November 18-22, 2022)! Please find friendly reminders and updates below as you prepare to present or attend the conference.


Q: Can I still register for the IQSA Annual Meeting?
Active IQSA members can still register for the meeting at full price. Visit the SBL Annual Meeting Page and choose Register as a Member of an Affiliate Organization. Then, complete a New Registration under the Affiliate Members category, and choose International Qur’anic Studies Association when prompted.

Q: How do I attend the IQSA General Reception?
All registered IQSA attendees will receive an email notification with details for the off-site reception on Saturday, November 19 from 7-9pm.

Q: Do I have to be an IQSA member to register for the Annual Meeting?
YES – current IQSA membership is required and verified by staff upon registration. However, SBL/AAR membership is not required to attend the IQSA Annual Meeting. You can renew your IQSA membership HERE.

Q: I already registered for the Annual Meeting as an SBL/AAR member. Do I have to register again as an affiliate to attend IQSA events?
No – duplicate registration is not required to attend IQSA events if one has already registered as an SBL/AAR member. However, you must register as an active IQSA member if you are presenting at an IQSA session.

Q: Where can I find a schedule of events for the Annual Meeting?
Find the IQSA Conference Schedule online, and view the full SBL/AAR Program here. A digital version of the IQSA Annual Meeting Program Book and Annual Report will be available in the coming days!

Q: Does IQSA provide funding or reimbursement for its members to attend the meeting?
At this time, IQSA does not have the resources to provide financial assistance for Annual Meeting registration costs. However, IQSA encourages its members to seek financial aid through institutional grants and other funding.

Q: Where can I find more FAQs regarding the SBL and AAR Meeting & Events?
Find more details at this link!

Q: Should I use the SBL/AAR Mobile App?
A: Absolutely! Using the mobile app or interactive web version will allow you to easily access event sessions, speakers, exhibitors, and organizer messages. When logged in using your registration number, you can personalize your schedule, take notes, share contacts, and more.

This is available for both Android and iOS devices. Please go here for links to download the app from each app store or to access the Online Planner.

Why should you download the Annual Meetings Mobile App prior to arrival?

  • The app is the best and easiest way to find information about the whole meeting, including session times and locations, information about presentations, location of exhibitors, and general information about the meeting.
  • New this year, you can view session with updated information via a search filter. When browsing filter data, tap the filter data, then select “New and Updated Sessions,” then the filter you wish to apply.
  • The app contains easily searchable floor plans of the book exhibit hall, convention center, and meeting hotels. Navigating the meeting has never been easier.
  • We will have onsite programs available, but these were printed in September and many sessions may have changed locations or times. We urge you to download the app and check it for the latest information.

Be sure to add to your email’s allowed senders list to be sure to receive emails, notifications, and invitations from the meeting platform. Presenters should be on the lookout for more information in the coming days about how to upload materials like handout documents, full-text papers, and even pre-recorded videos. While uploading these materials is optional, we encourage presenter to take advantage of these opportunities.

Questions? Email us at We look forward to seeing you in Denver!

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Register NOW for Denver Early Bird Rates


Looking to save on registration rates for this year’s IQSA Annual Meeting held in conjunction with the SBL/AAR Annual Meetings in Denver, Colorado from November 18-21, 2022? Register as an Affiliate Member HERE before early bird rates end on July 29th! All presenters, panel members, and other attendees MUST register to attend the Annual Meeting. 

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Please note that registration for the Denver meeting is not linked to registration for the IQSA Meeting in Palermo. 

Questions? Contact us via email! We look forward to seeing you in Denver.

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2022. All rights reserved.

Program Now Available! IQSA 2022 Annual Meeting in Palermo

The program is now available for the International Qur’anic Studies Association’s 2022 Annual Meeting in Palermo, Italy from September 5-7, 2022!

Hosted by the Giorgio La Pira Library and Research Centre, this program features Keynote Lectures by Roberto Tottoli (University of Naples L’Orientale), Johanna Pink (University of Freiburg), and Fred Donner (University of Chicago), in addition to a variety of panels, performances, receptions, and tours. 
Participants are required to register for the conference online.
Conference registration fees are structured as follows:
  • Registration by the end of June: 140 $
  • Registration by the end of July: 180 $
  • Registration in August and September: 220 $

Students and residents of the Global South will receive 50% discount on the proposed fees.

View the event registration page

FSCIRE (La Pira Library), will offer travel grants up to € 500 to students, PhD students, post-docs, and scholars participating in the conference to cover travel, accommodation and subsistence costs and conference fees. The grants are also accessible to those who would like to attend the meeting as auditors, i.e., without offering a conference paper.

If you require further information, please contact Alba Fedeli ( and Devin Stewart ( Any other questions concerning practicalities of the conference in Palermo should be addressed to Francesca Badini ( and concerning registration and payment should go to


© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2022. All rights reserved.

EXTENDED DEADLINE: IQSA 2022 Annual Meeting Giorgio La Pira Library and Research Centre, Palermo, Italy 

Attention Friends of IQSA! 

We are happy to inform you that panel and paper submission deadlines for the IQSA 2022 Annual Meeting in Palermo have been extended! IQSA Members now have until March 7th, 2022 to submit paper and panel proposals via email to

This year, the International Qur’anic Studies Association’s Annual Meeting will be held in Palermo, Italy, hosted by the Giorgio La Pira Library from September 5-7, 2022.

Please note that the IQSA membership is required for proposal submission (see below).

The 2022 Annual Meeting welcomes papers on any topic within the range of the interests of the Qur’anic text, encouraging in particular the submission of panels that gather selected speakers invited by a presenter. Individual papers will be accepted as well.

Please note that all proposals for panels must include:

  • Presenter/chair name(s) and affiliation.
  • 100-word short bio (written in English).
  • Panel title.
  • 400-word paper abstract (written in English).
  • Speakers contacted and selected by the presenter and title of each paper.

Proposals for single papers must include:

  • Author name and affiliation.
  • 100-word short bio (written in English).
  • Paper title.
  • 400-word paper abstract (written in English).

Eligibility for proposal submissions is contingent upon the following:

1) Active IQSA membership is required at the time of proposal submission for the
IQSA Program, and the membership status of all applicants will be checked prior
to acceptance.

2) Participants must maintain current IQSA Membership through their
participation in the Annual Meeting.

Please also note that, in order to ensure equity and diversity amongst participants, only one paper presentation per IQSA Annual Meeting should be submitted by any individual participant.

All participants must adhere to IQSA’s Professional Conduct Policy.

Conference registration fees are structured as follows:

  • Registration by the end of June: 140 $
  • Registration by the end of July: 180 $
  • Registration in August and September: 220 $

Students and residents of the Global South will receive 50% discount on the proposed fees.

View the event registration page. Participants will be required to register for the conference by submitting payment through IQSA submission system.

The Conference program will circulate by the beginning of April 2022 and the registration will be opened by the beginning of May with all relevant details about the several available options and activities, like the booking accommodation and childcare facilities or the trip to Monreale and the guided visit of Palermo.

If you require further information about the submission process and the panels organization, please contact Alba Fedeli ( and Devin Stewart ( Any other questions concerning practicalities of the conference in Palermo should be addressed to Francesca Badini ( and concerning registration and payment should go to

We look forward to receiving your proposals!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2022. All rights reserved.

Call for Papers: IQSA 2022 Annual Meeting Giorgio La Pira Library and Research Centre, Palermo, Italy 

This year, the International Qur’anic Studies Association’s Annual Meeting will be held in Palermo, Italy, hosted by the Giorgio La Pira Library on September 5-7, 2022.

Paper proposals should be submitted to by March 7, 2022.

Please note that the IQSA membership is required for proposal submission (see below).

The 2022 Annual Meeting welcomes papers on any topic within the range of the interests of the Qur’anic text, encouraging in particular the submission of panels that gather selected speakers invited by a presenter. Individual papers will be

accepted as well.

Please note that all proposals for panels must include:

  • Presenter/chair name(s) and affiliation.
  • 100-word short bio (written in English).
  • Panel title.
  • 400-word paper abstract (written in English).
  • Speakers contacted and selected by the presenter and title of each paper.

Proposals for single papers must include:

  • Author name and affiliation.
  • 100-word short bio (written in English).
  • Paper title.
  • 400-word paper abstract (written in English).

Eligibility for proposal submissions is contingent upon the following:

1) Active IQSA membership is required at the time of proposal submission for the
IQSA Program, and the membership status of all applicants will be checked prior
to acceptance.

2) Participants must maintain current IQSA Membership through their
participation in the Annual Meeting.

Please also note that, in order to ensure equity and diversity amongst participants, only one paper presentation per IQSA Annual Meeting should be submitted by any individual participant.

All participants must adhere to IQSA’s Professional Conduct Policy.

Conference registration fees are structured as follows:

  • Registration by the end of June: 140 $
  • Registration by the end of July: 180 $
  • Registration in August and September: 220 $

Students and residents of the Global South will receive 50% discount on the proposed fees.

View the event registration page. Participants will be required to register for the conference by submitting payment through IQSA submission system.

The Conference programme will circulate by the beginning of April 2022 and the registration will be opened by the beginning of May with all relevant details about the several available options and activities, like the booking accommodation and childcare facilities or the trip to Monreale and the guided visit of Palermo.

If you require further information about the submission process and the panels organization, please contact Alba Fedeli ( and Devin Stewart ( Any other questions concerning practicalities of the conference in Palermo should be addressed to Francesca Badini ( and concerning registration and payment should go to

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2022. All rights reserved.

RSVP to IQSA’s 2021 Annual Meeting General Reception!

Denver_MeetingSignThe 2021 IQSA Annual Meeting held in conjunction with the Society of Biblical Literature and American Academy of Religion in San Antonio, Texas from November 19–22 is only one week away! One of the highlights of the IQSA Annual Meeting is its General Reception following the Presidential Address, an opportunity for IQSA members convene over food and drink in a causal setting.

This year’s General Reception will be held in person on Friday, November 19th from 8:00 – 10:00pm offsite. If you are registered for the Annual Meeting and plan on attending the General Reception, please RSVP here. Location and other details will be sent to all registrants via email.

Questions? Email

We look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2021. All rights reserved.

IQSA Annual Meeting Reminders & Updates


Are you presenting or attending the 2021 International Qur’anic Studies Association’s Annual Meeting to be held in San Antonio, TX from November 18–21, 2021? Don’t forget to register by September 23rd before regular rates increase! IQSA members can save on the forthcoming registration fee by joining IQSA and registering for the Annual Meetings as an Affiliate Member HERE. To become an IQSA member click HERE.

In-Person Meeting Information
Need more information on the Annual Meeting including registration rates, housing information, meeting locations, airline discounts, etc? Please visit our Annual Meeting website here.
Virtual-Only Sessions Information
Need more information regarding the Virtual Only Sessions including registration rates, sessions included, benefits of attending virtually, etc. Please visit our Annual Meeting website here.


Q: How do I register for the IQSA Annual Meeting?
To register for this year’s meeting, visit the SBL Annual Meeting Page and choose Register as a Member of an Affiliate Organization. Then, complete a New Registration under the Affiliate Members category, and choose International Qur’anic Studies Association when prompted.

Q: Do I have to be an IQSA member to register for the Annual Meeting?
YES – current IQSA membership is required and verified by staff upon registration. However, SBL/AAR membership is not required to attend the IQSA Annual Meeting. You can renew your IQSA membership HERE.

Q: I already registered for the Annual Meeting as an SBL/AAR member. Do I have to register again as an affiliate to attend IQSA events?
No – duplicate registration is not required to attend IQSA events if one has already registered as an SBL/AAR member. However, you must register as an active IQSA member if you are presenting at an IQSA session.

Q: Where can I find a schedule of events for the Annual Meeting?
Find the IQSA Conference Schedule online at, and view the full SBL/AAR Program here.

Q: Does IQSA provide funding or reimbursement for its members to attend the meeting?
At this time, IQSA does not have the resources to provide financial assistance for Annual Meeting registration costs. However, IQSA encourages its members to seek financial aid through institutional grants and other funding.

Q: Can I cancel my registration due to Covid-19 health concerns?
We recognize that the coronavirus continues to impact your planning for the Annual Meeting this year so we’re giving you more time to make registration changes without penalty. You now have until Oct. 21 to receive a full refund.

Please also note…

Questions? Email! We look forward to seeing you at this year’s Annual Meeting.

Prepare for the 2020 IQSA Virtual Annual Meeting!

The 2020 IQSA Annual Meeting held for the first time in a new virtual format is just 10 days away! Please see below for some friendly reminders for participants and attendees as you prepare to attend.

Membership & Registration
Current IQSA membership is required and verified by staff upon registration for the IQSA Annual Meeting. However, SBL/AAR membership is not required to attend the IQSA Annual Meeting. You can renew your IQSA membership HERE.

To register for this year’s meeting, visit the SBL Annual Meeting Page and choose Register for the Annual Meeting. Then, complete a New Registration under the Affiliate Members category, and choose International Qur’anic Studies Association when prompted.

Dates and Times
The virtual meeting schedule is extended to avoid potential timing conflicts, time zone limitations, and religious and Thanksgiving holidays. The meeting will take place Monday – Thursday over two weeks. The new dates are November 30 – December 3 and December 7 – 10, from 9AM to 9PM EST. All times on the conference schedule are listed in Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5).

Program Platform
The SBL and AAR Virtual Annual Meetings Platform is now live on your computer! You can search and browse all of the sessions and publishers who are participating. After you log in, you can start to build your own schedule. Much more functionality will be unveiled once the Virtual Annual Meeting starts!   To log into the Virtual Annual Meetings Platform, you will use your registration Reference Number as your username, and your last name as your password.   Download the Mobile App to access the Virtual Annual Meeting on your mobile device!  

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IQSA Virtual Events
IQSA will still hold its Annual President Address, Business and General Meetings, Graduate Student Roundtable, and a closing session. To participate, members must be registered for the Annual Meeting through SBL/AAR.  

Presidential Address
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Asma Hilali, University of Lille, Panelist (40 min)
Fred Donner, University of Chicago, Respondent (20 min)  

Business Meeting
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
*Members Only

General Meeting
11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Open to Public

Graduate Student Roundtable
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Closing Session
1:00 PM to 1:30 PM  

Questions or concerns? For registration and logistics, email For IQSA specific questions, email We look forward to seeing our members and affiliates next month for this exciting event!    

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2020. All rights reserved.  

IQSA Virtual Annual Meeting: Reminders and Updates

The 2020 IQSA Annual Meeting held for the first time in a new virtual format is just a few short weeks away! Please see below for some friendly reminders for participants and attendees:

Membership & Registration
Current IQSA membership is required and verified by staff upon registration for the IQSA Annual Meeting. However, SBL/AAR membership is not required to attend the IQSA Annual Meeting. You can renew your IQSA membership HERE.

To register for this year’s meeting, visit the SBL Annual Meeting Page and choose Register for the Annual Meeting. Then, complete a New Registration under the Affiliate Members category, and choose International Qur’anic Studies Association when prompted.

Dates and Times
The virtual meeting schedule will be extended to avoid potential timing conflicts, time zone limitations, and religious and Thanksgiving holidays. The meeting will take place Monday – Thursday over two weeks. The new dates are November 30 – December 3 and December 7 – 10, from 9AM to 9PM EST / 1PM to 1AM ECT. All times on the conference schedule are listed in Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5).

Program Platform
The SBL and AAR Virtual Annual Meetings Platform is now live on your computer!

You can search and browse all of the sessions and publishers who are participating. After you log in, you can start to build your own schedule. Much more functionality will be unveiled once the Virtual Annual Meeting starts!
To log into the Virtual Annual Meetings Platform, you will use your registration Reference Number as your username, and your last name as your password.

Download the Mobile App to access the Virtual Annual Meeting on your mobile device!

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IQSA Virtual Events
IQSA will still hold its Annual President Address, Business and General Meetings, Graduate Student Roundtable, and a closing session. To participate, members must be registered for the Annual Meeting through SBL/AAR.
Presidential Address
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Asma Hilali, University of Lille, Panelist (40 min)
Fred Donner, University of Chicago, Respondent (20 min)
Business Meeting
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
*Members Only
General Meeting
11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Open to Public

Graduate Student Roundtable
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Closing Session
1:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Questions or concerns? Email We look forward to seeing our members and affiliates next month for this exciting event!
© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2020. All rights reserved.