IQSA Zoom Seminar #4 Sarra Tlili, “Ecology of Wonder: the Ecological Dimensions of Three Qur’anic Motifs”

IQSA Zoom Seminar #4 Sarra Tlili, “Ecology of Wonder: the Ecological Dimensions of Three Qur’anic Motifs”

Screen Shot 2020-04-30 at 2.12.40 PMCheck out the fourth installment in the series of IQSA Corona Qur’an Seminars on Zoom (#IQSAZoom), in which Dr. Sarra Tlili (University of Florida) speaks on “Ecology of Wonder: the Ecological Dimensions of Three Qur’anic Motifs.” View the video for free at this link!

Read more about these free resources at, and don’t forget to continue the discussion on social media by using the hashtag #IQSAZoom! Seminars are open to the public and all are welcome to join the meetings. To support this project, join IQSA or renew your membership at, or make a donation online at

Want to see more? Tune in next week on May 7 to hear Sean Anthony discuss “The Surprising Christology of the Annunciation Scene in Q. Maryam 19:16-21.” Participants can register for upcoming seminars at

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