JIQSA Volume 5 (2020) Now Available!

JIQSA Volume 5 (2020) Now Available!

IQSA is proud to announce the official release of the Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association V.5 2020 (Lockwood Press) edited by Nicolai Sinai (Oxford University). Read the announcement below!


Dear colleagues,

It is my pleasure to announce that the fifth volume of the Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association (founding editors: Michael Pregill and Vanessa De Gifis) has now been published online, with print copies due to ship soon (see also https://lockwoodonlinejournals.com/index.php/jiqsa). The issue’s contents include:

  • an obituary of the historian F. E. Peters by Reuven Firestone;
  • an exploration of Qur’anic doublets, drawing on studies of doublets in the New Testament, and the implication of such doublets for the history of the Qur’an’s origin and composition, by Gabriel Said Reynolds;
  • a close examination of a Copto-Qur’anic palimpsest by Éléonore Cellard and Catherine Louis, inspecting both the Qur’anic upper text and the biblical Coptic lower text, and considering the implications of the palimpsest for early Qur’anic scribal practices;
  • a study of the opening oath and the Prophet’s visions in Sūrat al-Najm by Saqib Hussain, in light of pre-Islamic astral concerns in the Qur’anic milieu as recoverable from early Islamic literature and Safaitic inscriptions;
  • an analysis of the regionality of early Qur’an manuscripts by Hythem Sidky, based on a comparison between variants in regional codices as recorded by Muslim scholars and regionality data recoverable from surviving Qur’an manuscripts;
  • and an Arabic article by Nadeen Alsulaimi on the structure of Sūrat al-Insān and on whether it should be classified as Meccan or Medinan.

As in previous years, I owe thanks to many people for getting this issue out: to all authors for contributing such a rich selection of pioneering research; to our anonymous peer reviewers for making available their expertise and for offering many constructive and learned comments on those submissions that did make it into the issue; to the journal’s associate editor Saqib Hussain (who is still blissfully ignorant of the reviewers of his own submission); and to Billie Jean Collins of Lockwood Press for unfailing professional standards. It is especially gratifying that the issue includes revised and extended versions of two past winners of IQSA’s Andrew Rippin Best Paper Prize (namely, the contributions by Cellard/Louis and Hussain).

Since access to the journal is a membership benefit, JIQSA 5 is also available through the IQSA membership portal. However, please do consider recommending a subscription to the journal to your libraries, in the interest of making JIQSA available to students and colleagues who are not yet IQSA members.

Best wishes,

Dr Nicolai Sinai
Editor, Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association
Professor of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Oxford
Fellow of Pembroke College
© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2021. All rights reserved.

JIQSA Volume 4 (2019) Now Available!

IQSA is proud to announce the official release of the Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association V.4 2019 (Lockwood Press) edited by Nicolai Sinai (Oxford University).


Volume four is available to IQSA members for FREE online via the member login on members.iqsaweb.org. Non-members can receive access by signing up for membership HERE.

Institutions wishing to subscribe for print and/or online access should fill out the form HERE. To request that your institutional library subscribe to JIQSA, please present this form. Print subscriptions are also available for individual subscribers via THIS FORM.

ISSN 2474-8390 (Print)
2474-8420 (Online)

Subscription Rates:
Print and Online: US$70
Print only: US$40
Online only: US$40

JIQSA is now accessible through the online academic digital library JSTOR. Libraries and other institutions with a subscription to JSTOR can access JIQSA HERE.

Member Access

Full online access to the Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association is available by signing in to the member portal at iqsaweb.org HERE. Use the top menu to navigate to “JIQSA” and select the desired volume via the drop-down menu. Online access to JIQSA is NOT  available via Lockwood Press’ website.

If you experience trouble logging in, please email contact@iqsaweb.org to reset your password or confirm your membership.

Renew or sign up for IQSA membership HERE for full access to JIQSA, RQR, and more!

Table of Contents (Vol. 4, 2019)

  1. Farrin, Raymond K. “The Verse Numbering Systems of the Qurʾān: A Statistical and Literary Comparison.” JIQSA 4 (2019): 3-58.
  2. Tlili, Sarra. “Fa’ṣdaʿ bi-mā tuʾmar: A Motif-Based Study of Sūrat al-Ḥijr.” JIQSA 4 (2019): 59-84.
  3. Melchert, Christopher. “The Controversy over Reciting the Qurʾān with Tones (al‑qirāʾah bi’l‑alḥān).” JIQSA 4 (2019): 85-110.
  4. Christiansen, Johanne Louise. ““Their Prayer at the House Is Nothing but Whistling and Clapping of Hands” (Q al-Anfāl 8:35): Negotiating Processions in the Qurʾān.” JIQSA 4 (2019): 111-140.
  5. Rashwani, Samer. “Review Essay: Al-Ḥākim al-Jishumī and the History and Study of Muʿtazilī Exegesis.” JIQSA 4 (2019): 141-154.

The journal’s website, including additional information and contact details, can be found at http://lockwoodonlinejournals.com/index.php/jiqsa. For more information on theInternational Qur’anic Studies Association, please visit www.iqsaweb.org.


© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2020. All rights reserved.

New Benefits: IQSA Institutional Membership

The International Qur’anic Studies Association is pleased to announce the addition of new benefits for IQSA’s Institutional Members. Institutions can now provide collective access to the Review of Qur’anic Research in addition to IQSA’s flagship Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association by becoming IQSA institutional members. Access to these resources for institutions is the result of collaboration with IQSA’s affiliate publisher, Lockwood Press.

Institutional Membership is $400 USD annually and includes the following benefits:
– Automatic access/subscription to all paid individual member benefits (JIQSA online, RQR online & Membership database)
– Discounts on Lockwood publications
– One free advertisement annually (program book, JIQSA, online or mailing list)
– Discounted registration for designated individual at IQSA’s Annual Meeting

To enable collective access to IQSA’s resources, institutions must provide IP ranges to Lockwood Press. Institutional partners can register for membership HERE. Questions or concerns? Email contact@iqsaweb.org! We hope you join us soon to start enjoying these new benefits!


© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2019. All rights reserved.


NEW Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association,Vol.2 (2017)

IQSA is proud to announce the release of the second issue of its flagship journal, the Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association by Lockwood Press. JIQSA, vol. 2 (2017) is co-edited by Michael Pregill and Vanessa De Gifis (Wayne State University) and features new research on the Qur’an. The editors offer an insightful introductory essay in remembrance of Andrew Rippin, IQSA’s inaugural president and “esteemed colleague, revered mentor, and scholarly inspiration to many members of the IQSA community” (Pregill, 3).


Articles include the 2016 presidential address by Farid Esack and a response by Shari Lowin, as well as a number of original contributions by renowned scholars in the field.

Readers will find JIQSA reflects the depth, diversity and debate latent within Qur’an Studies today. Subjects explored in this issue include the Qur’an’s place in late antiquity, literary and inter-confessional dialogue, its reception in the west, the hermeneutics of traditional and modern exegesis, transmission of the text, manuscripts, philology, rhetoric and more. A table of contents follows below.

Preparation for JIQSA, vol. 3 has already begun. Submissions should be uploaded electronically, in both Microsoft Word and PDF formats, to http://lockwoodonlinejournals.com/index.php/jiqsa/about/submissions. Please ensure that the documents you upload are anonymized for peer review. As a rule of thumb, articles should be between 10,000 and 15,000 words including footnotes, using 12-pt Times New Roman font double-spaced for the body and 11-pt single-spaced font for footnotes. Shorter or longer articles may be accepted for review at the discretion of the editors. Authors are encouraged to conform their submissions to our current JIQSA Guidelines and Style Sheet.

Volume 2 (2017): Table of Contents

  1. Pregill, Michael E. “Remembrance: Andrew Rippin (1950-2016).” JIQSA 2 (2017): 3-6.
  2. Esack, Farid. “Lot and His Offer: 2016 IQSA Presidential Address.” JIQSA 2 (2017): 7-34.
  3. Lowin, Shari L. “Response to Farid Esack’s 2016 Presidential Address.” JIQSA 2 (2017): 35-46.
  4. Stewart, Devin. “Cognate and Paronomastic Curse Retorts in the Qurʾān: Speech Genres and the Investigation of Qurʾānic Language.” JIQSA 2 (2017): 47-88.
  5. Ali, Kecia. “Destabilizing Gender, Reproducing Maternity: Mary in the Qurʾān.” JIQSA 2 (2017): 89-110.
  6. Lowry, Joseph E. “Law, Structure, and Meaning in Sūrat al-Baqarah.” JIQSA 2 (2017): 111-148.
  7. Qureshi, Jawad Anwar. “Ring Composition in Sūrat Yūsuf (Q 12).” JIQSA 2 (2017): 149-168.
  8. Pregill, Michael E. “Review Essay: Positivism, Revisionism, and Agnosticism in the Study of Late Antiquity and the Qurʾān.” JIQSA 2 (2017): 169-199.


At this time institutions are strongly encouraged to subscribe for print or online access by filling out this SUBSCRIPTION FORM. Print subscriptions are also available for individual subscribers via THIS FORM.

DOWNLOAD PDF (Subscription Form)

ISSN 2474-8390 (Print)
2474-8420 (Online)

Subscription Rates:
Print and Online: US$70
Print only: US$40
Online only: US$40

JIQSA is now accessible through the online academic digital library JSTOR. Libraries and other institutions with a subscription to JSTOR can access JIQSA HERE.

Member Access

Full online access to the Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association is available by signing in to the member portal at iqsaweb.org HERE. Use the top menu to navigate to “JIQSA” and select the desired volume via the drop-down menu.

If you experience trouble logging in, please email contact@iqsaweb.org to reset your password or confirm your membership.

Renew or sign up for IQSA membership HERE for full access to JIQSA, RQR, and more!


© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2019. All rights reserved.



First IQSA Studies in the Qur’ān Publication with Lockwood Press “A Qur’ānic Apocalypse: A Reading of the Thirty-Three Last Sūras of the Qur’ān” by Michel Cuypers

IQSA is proud to announce that the first publication in the Studies in the Qur’ān Series, together with Lockwood Press, is now available from ISD: https://isdistribution.com/BookDetail.aspx?aId=93549


The present volume closes a trilogy devoted to the exegesis of the Qurʾān analyzed according to the principles of Semitic rhetoric, a method of textual analysis developed in the field of biblical studies. It studies the shortest sūrahs of the Qur’ān, which are traditionally dated to the beginnings of the preaching of Muḥammad in Mecca. The reference to the initial vision of Muḥammad in Sūrah 81, the point of departure for his career as Prophet, provides the starting point of the study of this group of sūrahs. The analysis shows that the redactors who assembled the textual fragments of the Qur’ān into a book were guided by precise intentions. In the end, it is these intentions that the rhetorical analysis of the text enables us to discover and better understand.

About the Author:
Michel Cuypers is a researcher at the IDEO, the Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies, Cairo, Egypt.

384 pages | 9 x 6 inches | Published October 2018
Hardback | ISBN 9781948488013 | $49.95
PDF eBook | ISBN 9781948480994 | $40.00

* Accessed from https://isdistribution.com/BookDetail.aspx?aId=93549

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2018. All rights reserved.

Publisher’s Corner: Lockwood Press

Lockwood Press is proud to be partnering with the International Qur’anic Studies Association in the publication of both the IQSA Journal (Vanessa De Gifis, editor) and its new series, IQSA Studies in the Qur’an (David Powers, editor). The first volume scheduled for the new series is A Qur’anic Apocalypse by Michel Cuypers, to appear in Spring 2018.


Lockwood Press, under the direction of Billie Jean Collins, is committed to the dissemination of scholarship in Arabic, Islamic, and Qur’anic studies through its various academic journals and publications, including the distinguished Resources in Arabic and Islamic Studies series, edited by Joseph E. Lowry, Devin J. Stewart, and Shawkat M. Toorawa and supported by an equally distinguished board of international scholars.

The RAIS series features monographs, collected articles, study texts, translations of fundamental works, reprints of classic works, and handbooks and other reference works. Published titles include Bonebakker and Fishbein, A Reader of Classical Arabic Literature, and Aron Zysow’s seminal Economy of Certainty. With two to three new titles published each year, the series has quickly distinguished itself as a major resource in the field. Titles planned for 2018 include Arabic Belles-Lettres by Shawkat Toorawa and Joseph Lowry and Selected Studies in Modern Arabic Narrative: History, Genre, Translation, a collection of the works of Roger Allen.


Look for these publications and others at AAR, MESA, and AOS, among other conference venues throughout the year. We, the Lockwood Press staff, look forward to meeting you there!


© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2017. All rights reserved.

Launch: Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association,Vol.1 (2016)

IQSA is proud to announce the release of the first issue its flagship journal, the Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association by Lockwood Press. JIQSA, vol. 1 (2016) is co-edited by Michael Pregill (Boston University) and Vanessa De Gifis (Wayne State University) and features new research on the Qur’an. The editors offer an insightful introductory essay on the scope and subject matter of JIQSA, locating the field of Qur’an Studies today “between the Bible and Tafsir.” Articles include the 2015 presidential address by Reuven Firestone on and a response by Ebrahim Moosa, as well as a number of original contributions by international scholars, including posthumous contributions by Patricia Crone and Ali Mabrouk.

Readers will find JIQSA reflects the depth, diversity and debate latent within Qur’an Studies today. Subjects explored in this issue include the Qur’an’s place in late antiquity, literary and inter-confessional dialogue, its reception in the west, the hermeneutics of traditional and modern exegesis, transmission of the text, manuscripts, philology, rhetoric and more. A table of contents follows below.

Preparation for JIQSA, vol. 2 has already begun. Potential English and Arabic contributions to JIQSA, vol. 3 should be sent to the editors at jiqsa@iqsaweb.org for peer review.

JIQSA flyer copy

The Table of Contents for JIQSA Volume 1 is as follows:

  1. Pregill, Michael E. and Vanessa De Gifis. “Editors’ Introduction: The Qurʾān Between Bible and Tafsīr.” JIQSA 1 (2016): 3-9.
  2. Firestone, Reuven. “The Problematic of Prophecy: 2015 IQSA Presidential Address.” JIQSA 1 (2016): 11-22.
  3. Moosa, Ebrahim. “Response To Reuven Firestone’s 2015 IQSA Presidential Address.” JIQSA 1 (2016): 23-27.
  4. Bauer, Karen. “The Current State of Qurʾānic Studies: Commentary on a Roundtable Discussion.” JIQSA 1 (2016): 29-45.
  5. Graves, Michael. “Form Criticism or a Rolling Corpus: The Methodology of John Wansbrough through the Lens of Biblical Studies.” JIQSA 1 (2016): 47-92.
  6. Anthony, Sean W. and Catherine L. Bronson. “Did Ḥafṣah Edit the Qurʾān? A Response with Notes on the Codices of the Prophet’s Wives.” JIQSA 1 (2016): 93-125.
  7. Crone, Patricia. “Nothing but Time Destroys Us”: The Deniers of Resurrection in the Qurʾān.” JIQSA 1 (2016): 127-147.
  8. Melchert, Christopher. “Bukhārī’sKitāb Tafsīr al-Qurʾān.” JIQSA 1 (2016): 149-172.
  9. Stewart, Devin and Gabriel Said Reynolds. “Afterword: The Academic Study of the Qurʾān—Achievements, Challenges, and Prospects.” JIQSA 1 (2016): 173-183.

10. علي مبروك†,القرآن: ما بعد أبي زيد وما قبل المصحف. مجلة الجمعية الدولية للدراسات القرآنية. (2016): 192-187.

At this time institutions are strongly encouraged to subscribe for print or online access by filling out this SUBSCRIPTION FORM. Print subscriptions are also available for individual subscribers via THIS FORM.

ISSN 2474-8390 (Print)
2474-8420 (Online)

Subscription Rates:
Print and Online: US$70
Print only: US$40
Online only: US$40

For information about submissions, visit https://iqsaweb.org/publications/call-for-papers-jiqsa/ or send an email to the editors at jiqsa@iqsaweb.org.


© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2017. All rights reserved.

Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association مجلة الجمعية الدولية للدراسات القرآنية (Vol 1–2016)

COMING SOON…the Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association, Volume 1 (2016). See pricing and details below. Members will receive FREE online access to JIQSA.



© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2016. All rights reserved.