Society for the Study of Muslim Ethics Call for Papers

Society for the Study of Muslim Ethics Call for Papers


The ninth annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Muslim Ethics will be held January 4-7, 2018, at the Doubletree Hotel in Portland, Oregon, to be held concurrently with the meeting of the Society for Christian Ethics and the Society for Jewish Ethics.

Proposals dealing with any aspect of Muslim ethics—theoretical or applied, classical or contemporary—are welcome. We seek proposals on any topic, including projects that utilize historical, social scientific, literary, theological, philosophical, or legal approaches to matters of Muslim ethics. We welcome proposals for either single papers or panels with multiple papers addressing issues including (but not limited to) bioethics, economic and business ethics, environmental ethics, race, gender, globalization, post-colonial studies, political ethics, ethics and law, and ethics and violence. We are also interested in presentations dealing with pedagogy, including innovative syllabi in ethics-related disciplines, as well as reflections on the state of the field of Muslim ethics. Panel proposals involving members of the Society of Christian Ethics and Society for Jewish Ethics are particularly welcome.

Proposals for a single presenter should include the following:

  • contact information of presenter (name, institutional affiliation, phone numbers, and e-mail address)
  • tentative title
  • abstract (500 word minimum, 600 maximum)
  • selected bibliography

Proposals for panels should include a list of all panelists (including contact information), including the convener and discussant (if any), as well as the tentative title, abstract, and selected bibliography for all papers.

Proposals should be sent by e-mail to:

Jamie Schillinger

Chair, Program Committee


The deadline for submission of proposals is June 1, 2017. Successful applicants will be notified by July 1st, 2017.

The Society for the Study of Muslim Ethics (SSME) is a scholarly association dedicated to advancing intellectual inquiry in Muslim ethics, including the relation of Muslim ethics to other ethical traditions and to social, political, and economic problems. The Society supports academic work in both philosophical and applied ethics, historical as well as contemporary issues. The Society also aims to promote the teaching of Muslim ethics in colleges, universities, and theological schools, to improve understanding of Muslim ethics in the broader society through publications and other educational activities, and to provide a community of discourse and debate for those engaged professionally in the study of Muslim ethics.

All presenters in the annual meeting of the SSME must be members of the Society. For membership forms and other information, please consult the website:

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