Plan your Trip to Atlanta! IQSA Annual Meeting Program Highlights

Plan your Trip to Atlanta! IQSA Annual Meeting Program Highlights

cropped-header3.jpgThe IQSA Annual Meeting in Atlanta is just a few weeks away! As you plan your trip, please note the following special events on the program, which starts Friday 20 November:

Presidential Address – Free and Open to the Public!

Reuven Firestone, Hebrew Union College: The Problematic of Prophecy
Ebrahim Moosa, University of Notre Dame, Respondent

Friday 20 November
4:00-5:15 p.m.
Room: M104 (Marquis Level) – Marriott

IQSA Reception – Free and Open to the Public!

Friday 20 November
5:15-6:30 p.m.
Room: M105 (Marquis Level) – Marriott

IQSA Business Meeting – All IQSA members should attend!

Sunday 22 November
11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
M105 (Marquis Level) – Marriott

IQSA Graduate Student Reception – New day and time!

Sunday 22 November
12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
Room: L504-L505 (Lobby Level) – Marriott

All students in Qur’anic and Islamic Studies attending the IQSA sessions are welcome to join. Food/drink will be served. A number of senior professors in Qur’anic Studies will be in attendance for informal conversation/mentorship. You can RSVP to

We hope to see you at these important events! Thank you!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2015. All rights reserved.

A Special Welcome for Students at Annual Meeting in Atlanta

An Abbasid-era illustration of students studying with a faqih; image from Wikimedia Commons.

An Abbasid-era illustration of students studying with a faqih; image from Wikimedia Commons.


As we gear up for our Annual Meeting in Atlanta next month, IQSA is especially excited to welcome students and emerging scholars to our growing community. We warmly encourage all students who are planning to attend the Annual Meeting to RSVP for our Student Reception:

Sunday 22 November
12:00-1:00 p.m.
Room: L504-L505 (Lobby Level) – Marriott

There will be plenty of food and refreshments, and plenty of friendly conversation with established scholars of Qur’anic studies, including Farid Esack, Reuven Firestone, Daniel Madigan, Gabriel Said Reynolds, Vanessa De Gifis, and Nicolai Sinai.

IQSA is committed to fostering community in Qur’anic studies by supporting students on their path to professional success and encouraging collaboration across generations, all of which are vital to the advancement of knowledge in our field.

If you are interested in attending the Student Reception, please simply RSVP to IQSA at

We look forward to seeing you soon!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2015. All rights reserved.

You’re Invited! Graduate Student Reception at IQSA Annual Meeting

An Abbasid-era illustration of students studying with a faqih; image from Wikimedia Commons.

An Abbasid-era illustration of students studying with a faqih; image from Wikimedia Commons.

Attention current students and recent graduates! IQSA is delighted to host a special reception for students at our Annual Meeting in Atlanta:

Saturday 21 November
6:30-8:00 p.m.
Room: Crystal A-F (Level 1) – Hilton

This will be a valuable opportunity for emerging scholars to mingle with established experts in Qur’anic studies in a more relaxed setting–with light refreshments and finger food!

IQSA is committed to fostering community in Qur’anic studies by supporting students on their path to professional success and encouraging collaboration across generations, all of which are vital to the advancement of knowledge in our field.

If you are planning to attend the Annual Meeting in Atlanta, please consider attending the Student Reception. We ask that you please RSVP to IQSA at

We hope to see you there!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2015. All rights reserved.

IQSA Annual Meeting in Atlanta: Full Schedule Available Now!

The full schedule for the IQSA Annual Meeting 2015 in Atlanta is now available! To view the schedule, please visit the Annual Meeting 2015 page HERE.

The IQSA Annual Meeting in Atlanta is scheduled to take place 20-23 November 2015, in conjunction with the SBL/AAR Annual Meetings. Registration is open at the SBL page HERE. You can save up to $70 by joining IQSA and registering for the Annual Meetings as an Affiliate Member. If you are not yet an IQSA member, we encourage you to please join us HERE.

We look forward to an exciting meeting of members and friends in Atlanta!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2015. All rights reserved.

“Super Saver” Annual Meeting Registration Rate Ends Soon!

atlantaparkskylineThere are just a few days left to take advantage of the “super saver” discount registration rate for the IQSA Annual Meeting in Atlanta! The Annual Meeting, held in conjunction with the SBL/AAR Annual Meetings, 20-23 November, is a valuable opportunity to connect with scholars from around the world and explore the latest in Qur’anic research. The “super saver” rate is available now through Thursday 21 May. Please register through the SBL website here.

Members of IQSA could save up to $70 by registering for the Annual Meetings as an Affiliate Member! Not an IQSA member? Please join IQSA today! We hope you’ll join us and meet us in Atlanta!

(1) العضوية مجانية – To join our academic community today, please submit a Membership Form here

(2) التسجيل بسعر مخفض إلى ٢٢/٥/٢٠١٥ –  Annual Meeting Registration (deeply discounted through 21 May 2015):

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2015. All rights reserved.

Join IQSA and Save on Meeting Registration Rates! عضوية الجمعية مفتوحة الآن

atlantaparkskylineThe IQSA Annual Meeting in Atlanta, 20-23 November, will be held in conjunction with the SBL/AAR Annual Meetings. You could save up to $70 by joining IQSA and registering for the Annual Meetings as an Affiliate Member! Registration is now open on the SBL website here. Take advantage of an additional “super saver” discount by registering now through 21 May. We hope you’ll join us and meet us in Atlanta!


(1) العضوية مجانية – To join our academic community today (for free!) simply submit a Membership Form here

(2) التسجيل بسعر مخفض إلى ٢٢/٥/٢٠١٥ –  Annual Meeting Registration (Discounted until May 22, 2015) :

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2015. All rights reserved.

Registration for IQSA Annual Meeting NOW OPEN

atlantaparkskylineRegistration for the IQSA Annual Meeting in Atlanta, 20-23 November, is now open! You can access the registration system through the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) webpage HERE. Take advantage of the “super saver” discount by registering now through 21 May. Please visit the SBL site for more information on registration rates, housing, meeting locations, etc. We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2015. All rights reserved.

Job Opportunities at IQSA for Graduate Students

The International Qur’anic Studies Association seeks two graduate student assistants for editorial and online help. Assistants will work approximately ten hours per week.

General Qualifications

  • Be a registered graduate student in Qur’anic Studies or related field; Ph.D. candidates preferred
  • Commit to the position for a minimum of one calendar year (from time of start)
  • Be a member of IQSA

computerBenefits & Compensation

While assistants are unpaid, they gain valuable relevant experience in academic service, writing, editing, marketing, communications, networking, and volunteering. Work is mostly remote and online, so the 10 hours/week required are “flex hours” that accommodate student schedules. Assistants receive FREE registration to the Annual Meeting in Atlanta, November 2015. As IQSA members, assistants gain free access to member benefits including Review of Qur’anic Research, Qur’an Seminar, JIQSA, job board, and member directory. Assistants are also eligible to receive letters of recommendation for their service and have access to a global network of Qur’anic Studies scholars. IQSA is committed to the professional development of graduate students.

How to Apply

Please send CV and cover letter (500 words max.) to

Open until filled.

Graduate Editorial Assistant

The Editorial Assistant will report to the Chair of the Publications and Research Committee (PRC).


  • Must live in the Boston metro area
  • Attend the Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, 20-23 November 2015
  • Meticulous attention to detail
  • Expertise in editing academic publications, preferably in Qur’anic Studies or related field
  • Knowledge of French and German a plus
  • Expertise in transliteration, style guides, and standard conventions concerning texts in Arabic and at least one additional classical language (e.g. Syriac, Hebrew, Persian, Greek)

Position Duties

  • Edit proposals and biographies for publication in annual Program Book for Annual Meeting
  • Edit proposals resulting from the JIQSA Call for Papers
  • Assist the PRC Chair as needed
  • Other duties as requested

Graduate Online Assistant

The Online Assistant will work directly with the Executive Assistant and Blog Coordinator, and report to the Executive Director.


  • Knowledge of Arabic, French, and German a plus

Position Duties

  • Compile job, fellowship, and other professional opportunities for the IQSA Job Board
  • Contribute or solicit one blog post per month
  • Curate links and topics related to Qur’anic Studies to post weekly to Discussion Group
  • Assist the Blog Coordinator as needed
  • Other duties as requested

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2015. All rights reserved.

IQSA Membership Open! Join Today!

cropped-untitled-12.pngIQSA Membership for 2015 is now open! We warmly invite you to join IQSA by filling out a membership form HERE. Benefits of membership include access to Review of Qur’anic Research, Qur’an Seminar, member directory, and job board; a discounted registration/affiliate rate for the Annual Meeting in November; and special offers from publishers. And the IQSA membership fee for 2015 is only $25 (USD), among the lowest of its kind!

After completing the membership form and paying the fee (payment can be made with credit card or PayPal account), you will be emailed your login information. Once you login, you can change your password, create your profile for the member directory, and access member benefits at anytime.

View highlights from the IQSA Annual Meeting held in San Diego, November 2014:

We truly value your membership. Welcome! أهلا وسهلا

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2015. All rights reserved.

New Program Unit for the 2015 Annual Meeting: The Qur’an and Late Antiquity

by Greg Fisher and Michael Pregill

Over the past fifteen years, there has been a tremendous upsurge of interest in the historiography of late antique Arabia. This has happened as a result both of targeted studies as well as developments in late antique historiography more broadly. New studies authored or edited by Glen Bowersock, Averil Cameron, Greg Fisher (including work with Jitse Dijkstra), Robert Hoyland, and Christian Robin have contributed to a better understanding of a number of historical issues. These include the relationship of Arabia to its neighbors; the archaeology and history of different groups of people in the Arabian Peninsula; links between different communities, especially religious communities; alliances managed by Romans, Persians, and Himyarites with Arab clients; and the development of Arab “identity” prior to the seventh century.


Votive stele of alabaster with Sabaean inscription adressed to the moon-god Almaqah, ca. 700 BC, Yemen; held in the Department of Oriental Antiquities, Louvre Museum, Paris. Image accessed from Wikimedia Commons.

Votive stele of alabaster with Sabaean inscription adressed to the moon-god Almaqah, ca. 700 BC, Yemen; held in the Department of Oriental Antiquities, Louvre Museum, Paris. Image accessed from Wikimedia Commons.

Over the same period, Qur’anic studies has developed in significant ways as well, particularly regarding the investigation of the literary compositions and religious discourses that may have provided the horizons and context of the emergence of the Qur’anic revelation. The Qur’an and Late Antiquity program unit, the newest in IQSA’s Annual Meeting lineup, seeks to promote knowledge of developments in Late Antique studies among scholars of the Qur’an and developments in Qur’anic studies among scholars of Late Antiquity, particularly in order to encourage better integration of these fields in the future. Our remit includes not only pre-Islamic Arabia and its immediate environs, but also the larger frame of late antique history, culture, religion, society, and politics in the Near East and Mediterranean regions as it may illuminate the background to the rise of Islam and its broad, long-term consequences.



Greg Fisher, Department of History, Carleton University

Michael Pregill, Institute for the Study of Muslim Societies and Civilizations, Boston University

The Qur’an and Late Antiquity program unit focuses on investigation of and critical reflection on the historical context in which the Qur’an was revealed. We seek papers that illustrate significant textual parallels between the Qur’an and other literatures of Late Antiquity, especially those that contribute to a better understanding of the Qur’an’s place in its cultural, political, social, and religious environment. We also seek papers that interpret the rise of the Qur’anic community in a broader phenomenological, sociological, or historiographic context, whether that of pre-Islamic Arabian society or the Roman and Sasanian Empires that dominated the eastern Mediterranean and Near East in this period. Particular attention will be paid to such questions as processes of political consolidation and legitimation, construction of communal boundaries, and relationships between communities and polities.

For the 2015 IQSA Annual Meeting in Atlanta (November 20-23), we will sponsor two panels. First, we invite paper proposals for a panel on recent developments in the historiography of Late Antiquity as it pertains to the Qur’anic milieu in pre-Islamic Arabia or the wider context of the Roman and Sasanian dominions. This panel will be co-sponsored by the AAR Traditions of Eastern Late Antiquity group. We especially encourage submissions that attempt to achieve a broader synthesis of cultural, political, and religious trends beyond the analysis and comparison of textual corpora.

We also invite paper proposals for a panel to be co-sponsored with the SBL Religious World of Late Antiquity program unit. This panel, the first of two to be presented in consecutive years, will feature papers on the intersection of religion and violence in Late Antiquity as it pertains specifically to the Qur’an and the Qur’anic milieu. The panel takes as its inspiration Thomas Sizgorich’s groundbreaking work Violence and Belief in Late Antiquity: Militant Devotion in Christianity and Islam. We especially encourage proposals that engage Sizgorich’s work directly and explicitly, whether on a historical, thematic, or methodological level.

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2015. All rights reserved.

IQSA 2014 Keynote and Response Papers Now Available!

scholars in library_maqamat haririFollowing the success of the IQSA Annual Meeting in San Diego, there has been high demand for access to the keynote paper of Professor Angelika Neuwirth and the response paper of Professor Andrew Rippin. We are very pleased to make both of these papers now available on our website, **Here**. Together, these papers reflect the vibrancy of various (inter)disciplinary approaches to the text and context of the Qur’an, as well as the value of critical dialogue for the ongoing vitality of Qur’anic studies. Such dialogue is enriched through the active engagement of IQSA members and friends. Please follow us on Facebook and Twitter, join our online discussion group, become a member of IQSA, and spread the word among your colleagues, students, and friends! Thanks for your support!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2014. All rights reserved.

Nomination of President-Elect Now Open to IQSA Members

by Holger Zellentin, Chair of the IQSA Nominations Committee

All members of IQSA are encouraged to propose names for the position of the next IQSA President-Elect!



The Nominations Committee are now accepting nominations for the position. The next President-Elect will be elected in 2015 and, pending confirmation at next year’s Annual Meeting, will then serve as President-Elect in 2016 and as President of IQSA in 2017. Please send your nomination to 

Non-members interested in participating in the IQSA nomination process must first become members of IQSA by completing the online membership form (here), and then may submit their nominations by email to

Nominations for President-Elect must be received in advance of the Annual Meeting beginning on Friday 21 November. As a reminder, all IQSA members are welcome to attend the Business Meeting of this year’s Annual Meeting, which will take place on Sunday 23 November, 11:30-12:00, Room 24 C (Upper Level) in the San Diego Convention Center.

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2014. All rights reserved.