Early Bird Registration Ends TODAY!

Early Bird Registration Ends TODAY!

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If you’re attending IQSA’s Annual Meeting in San Antonio this fall, remember to register TODAY before rates increase! Early Bird registration saves you over $50 compared to regular rates.

To sign up, Register as a Member of an Affiliate Organization hereScroll to the bottom of the page for the Affiliate link and choose “International Qur’anic Studies Association” in the drop-down menu. Please note you must be an active IQSA member to attend.

To find more details about the Annual Meeting, visit https://iqsaweb.org/call-for-papers-iqsa-annual-meeting-2023/. We look forward to seeing you in San Antonio! 


Register NOW for Denver Early Bird Rates


Looking to save on registration rates for this year’s IQSA Annual Meeting held in conjunction with the SBL/AAR Annual Meetings in Denver, Colorado from November 18-21, 2022? Register as an Affiliate Member HERE before early bird rates end on July 29th! All presenters, panel members, and other attendees MUST register to attend the Annual Meeting. 

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Please note that registration for the Denver meeting is not linked to registration for the IQSA Meeting in Palermo. 

Questions? Contact us via email! We look forward to seeing you in Denver.

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2022. All rights reserved.

Last Day to Register with Early Bird Rates!

A friendly reminder to register for IQSA’s 2022 Annual Meeting in Palermo, Italy today before rates increase tomorrow! This meeting takes place in person from September 5-7, 2022, hosted by the Giorgio La Pira Library and Research Centre (Palermo, Italy).

Conference registration fees are structured as follows:

  • Registration by the end of June: 140 $
  • Registration by the end of July: 180 $
  • Registration in August and September: 220 $

Students and residents of the Global South will receive 50% discount on the proposed fees.

View the event registration page

Participants are required to register for the conference online.

Any questions concerning practicalities of the conference in Palermo should be addressed to Francesca Badini (badini@fscire.it) and concerning registration and payment should go to contactus@iqsaweb.org.

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2022. All rights reserved.