2017 Annual Meeting Early Bird Registration OPEN

2017 Annual Meeting Early Bird Registration OPEN

It’s that time of year! Early Bird Registration is NOW OPEN for the IQSA Annual Meeting held in conjunction with the SBL/AAR Annual Meetings in Boston, Massachusetts from November 18-21, 2017. Register as an affiliate member HERE. Discounted Early Bird prices end May 19, so don’t wait!

You can save on the registration fee by joining IQSA and registering for the Annual Meetings as an Affiliate Member! The membership fees for IQSA are $25, $50, and $75 depending on the level. To become an IQSA member click HERE.

Member benefits not only include discounted conference rates, but also the newly released first issue of IQSA’s flagship journal, the Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association by Lockwood Press. JIQSA, vol. 1 (2016) is co-edited by Michael Pregill (Boston University) and Vanessa De Difis (Wayne State University) and features new research on the Qur’an. The editors offer an insightful introductory essay on the scope and subject matter of JIQSA, locating the field of Qur’an Studies today “between the Bible and Tafsir.” Articles include the 2015 presidential address by Reuven Firestone on and a response by Ebrahim Moosa, as well as a number of original contributions by international scholars, including posthumous contributions by Patricia Crone and Ali Mabrouk.

IQSA members have FREE online access to JIQSA 1 via the MEMBER PORTAL on IQSAWEB.org. Non-members can gain access by signing up for membership HERE. At this time institutions are strongly encouraged to subscribe for print or online access by filling out this SUBSCRIPTION FORM. Print subscriptions are also available for individual subscribers via THIS FORM.

Questions about JIQSA, IQSA membership, or Annual Meeting Registration? Email us at contact@iqsaweb.org.

We hope you’ll join us as an IQSA member and meet us in Boston!


© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2017. All rights reserved.

IQSA Call for Papers: Instructions and Updates

The Call for Papers is open for IQSA’s Annual Meeting to be held in Boston, Massachusetts from November 18-21, 2017. Please find details and updates about the submission process and requirements below.


Q: How do I submit a paper proposal for IQSA’s 2017 Annual Meeting?
A: Proposals should be submitted through the Society of Biblical Literature’s online submission system via the affiliate form corresponding to one of the six IQSA program units listed below:


An example of the online SBL affiliate paper proposal submission form

Q: Where can I find more detailed information about each program unit?
More detailed information about the program units and chairs is available on IQSA’s website HERE.

Q: Who should I contact if I experience difficulties with the submission process or need further information about program units?
 Please email contact@iqsaweb.org for submission difficulties, or contact the program unit chairs detailed on the CFP page for more information about specific program units.

Q: Do I have to be a member of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) to submit proposals?
A: SBL membership is NOT required for IQSA paper proposal submissions. IQSA membership IS required both to submit proposals and attend the Annual Meetings. Become a member or renew your membership HERE.

Q: What information is required to complete the paper proposal submission form?
Each submission form will require the presenter/co-presenter’s name(s), affiliated institution, and email address. Proposals require a title and abstract written in English with length of around 400 words. There is also an option to list scheduling conflicts and Audio/Visual needs for the presentation.

Q: When are submissions due?
The deadline for paper proposals is 11:59 PM (23:59) Eastern Standard Time (UTC -5) on March 7, 2017.


IQSA looks forward to receiving your submissions!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2017. All rights reserved.

Membership & AM Registration Open – عضوية الجمعية مفتوحة الآن

We at the International Qur’anic Studies Association are delighted to announce that membership in our society is now open! Furthermore, the membership is FREE for 2014.

(1) العضوية مجانية – To join our academic community today (for free!) simply submit a Membership Form here: http://membership.iqsaweb.org/Join.aspx.


(2) التسجيل بسعر مخفض إلى ٢٢/٥/٢٠١٤ –  Time Sensitive: Annual Meeting Registration : 

Colleagues, if you intend to join us for our 2014 Annual Meeting in San Diego (whether as a speaker or simply to attend), be sure to become a member a.s.a.p., in order to take advantage of the lowest possible registration price for the conference, which will only be available until Thursday, May 22. (The price of registration for San Diego will gradually increase as the time of the meeting grows nearer.) Instructions on how to register for the conference as an affiliate will be displayed upon completion of our IQSA membership form.


We look forward to welcoming you as a new member of IQSA and to seeing you in San Diego!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2014. All rights reserved.