Ninth SOAS Conference on the Qur’an: Call for Papers*

Ninth SOAS Conference on the Qur’an: Call for Papers*

Proposals are invited for the Ninth SOAS Conference on the Qur’an: “The Qur’an: Text, Society And Culture,” to be held on 11-13 February 2016. The conference series, hosted by SOAS, University of London, seeks to address a basic question: How is the Qur’anic text read and interpreted? The goal is to encompass a global vision of current research trends, and to stimulate discussion, debate, and research on all aspects of the Qur’anic text and its interpretation and translation. While the conference will remain committed to the textual study of the Qur’an and the religious, intellectual, and artistic activity that developed around it and drew on it, contributions on all topics relevant to Qur’anic studies are welcomed. Attention will also be given to literary, cultural, politico-sociological, and anthropological studies relating to the Qur’an.

The primary conference language is English, but papers may be presented in English or Arabic. Further information on the conference series is available on the SOAS Centre of Islamic Studies site HERE. The submission deadline for abstracts is 24 August 2015. 

* Text adopted from the official CFP available on the SOAS website.

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2015. All rights reserved.

CFP Deadline Extension (Fri, Mar 6) & Clarification

It has come to our attention that the online paper proposal system IQSA uses through SBL closed on March 4, i.e. one day earlier than stated deadline of March 5 in our original Call for Papers. We apologize for this discrepancy and any inconvenience this has caused. We are, furthermore, extending the deadline for submissions until tomorrow, Friday, March 6, 11 PM EDT.

Proposals should be sent directly to the program unit chairs. See below:

  • Linguistic, Literary, and Thematic Perspectives on the Qur’anic Corpus

Program Unit Chairs:

Anne-Sylvie Boisliveau ( , Sarra Tlili ( )

  • Qur’an Seminar

Program Unit Chairs:

Mehdi Azaiez ( and Clare Wilde (

  • Qur’anic Studies: Methodology and Hermeneutics

Program Unit Chairs:

Karen Bauer ( and Farid Esack (

  • The Qur’an and Late Antiquity

Program Unit Chairs:

Michael Pregill ( and Greg Fisher (

  • The Qur’an and the Biblical Tradition

Program Unit Chairs:

Cornelia Horn ( and Holger Zellentin (

  • The Qur’an: Manuscripts and Material Culture

Program Unit Chairs:

Keith Small ( and Luke Treadwell (

Last Call: CFP Deadline MAR 5 & 2015 Membership Open

Dear friends and colleagues,

I trust this message finds you well. This is a quick reminder that the Call for Papers deadline for November Annual Meeting in Atlanta is this Thursday, March 5. I want to encourage you all to submit a title/abstract, and to do so right away, HERE: Finally, if you have not done so already, please become an IQSA Member for the 2015 calendar year HERE (Enjoy the VIDEO!)

Thank you for making IQSA a success. I hope to share more good news with you all soon.

Warm regards



Emran El-Badawi, PhD
Executive Director, International Qur’anic Studies Association


CFP Highlight: Qur’an Manuscripts and Material Culture

For the IQSA 2015 Annual Meeting in Atlanta, the Qur’an: Manuscripts and Material Culture program unit will host two panels. For the first panel, we invite papers that deal with all eras and regions of the Qur’an’s manuscript tradition, as well as the variety of palaeographic, art historical, codicological, and historical issues one encounters in the discipline.

MS Mingana Islamic Arabic 1563, f.26v, l.2

MS Mingana Islamic Arabic 1563, f.26v, l.2

For example, a paper topic may focus on a particular manuscript or group of manuscripts, a feature of orthographic development, a particular script style, the dating of manuscripts, issues of textual criticism, systems of qira’at, the Qur’anic arts of the book, or another feature of Qur’anic manuscript studies not listed here but that fits the general parameters of the program unit.

For the second panel, we invite contributions on any aspect of the Qur’an’s history and pre-history that lies outside the manuscript tradition. The second panel aims to provide a forum for the study of the Qur’an as it was applied to objects of daily use as well as elite artifacts and buildings, and for the investigation of scholarly reactions to these developments in hadith collections and other textual sources. For example, topics relating to Qur’anic citation in the epigraphic (including graffiti as well as formal inscriptions), architectural, ceramic, numismatic and papyrological records and the use of the Qur’an in funerary, apotropaic, and prophylactic contexts would be most welcome. Topics concerning pre-Islamic inscriptions that might have a bearing on the later formulation of the text of the Qur’an are also welcome.

Proposals should include a title and an abstract of approximately 400 words. Click here to submit a proposal to the Qur’an: Manuscripts and Material Culture program unit.

Click here to view the complete IQSA 2015 Annual Meeting CFP.

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2015. All rights reserved.

Annual Meeting 2015 Call for Papers Now Open!

cropped-header22.pngThe International Qur’anic Studies Association announces the call for papers for the 2015 Annual Meeting to be held in Atlanta, Georgia. The Annual Meeting dates are November 20-23, 2015.

Each of IQSA’s six program units provides a detailed call for papers; all are available on the complete AM 2015 CFP page HERE. From the CFP page, you can click on the title of a program unit to be directed to an external link for further instructions on submission of proposals. For additional information about a specific program unit, you may contact the unit chairs.

The paper proposal submission deadline is March 5, 2015. IQSA welcomes your submission and looks forward to an exciting program in Atlanta!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2015. All rights reserved.