IQSA Leadership 2017
The 2017 calendar year ushers in new leadership serving on the Board of Directors and Standing Committees of the International Qur’anic Studies Association. These officers, committee chairs, directors, and editors collaborate from around the globe, guiding the first learned society devoted to the study of the Qur’an in its goal to foster Qur’anic scholarship from a variety of academic disciplines. See below for those distinguished scholars nominated, elected, and appointed at the 2016 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.
Gerald Hawting, SOAS University of London, President
Abdullah Saeed, University of Melbourne, President Elect
Gabriel Reynolds, University of Notre Dame, Chair (Reappointed)
Fred Donner, University of Chicago, Reappointed
Sarra Tlili, University of Florida, Newly Elected
Holger Zellentin, University of Nottingham, Nominating Committee Chair
Nicolai Sinai, University of Oxford, Programming Committee Chair
Mun’im Sirry, University of Notre Dame, International Programming Committee Chair
Mehdi Azaiez, University of Leuven, 2017 IM Tunisia Director
Reuven Firestone, Hebrew Union College, Publications and Research Committee Chair
David Powers, Cornell University, Monographs Director
Vanessa De Gifis, Wayne State University, JIQSA Co-Editor
Michael Pregill, Boston University, JIQSA Co-Editor
Shari Lowin, Stonehill College, Review of Qur’anic Research Editor
A very warm welcome to our IQSA leadership for 2017!