Deadlines Approaching! IQSA Annual Meetings 2022

Deadlines Approaching! IQSA Annual Meetings 2022


The Call for Papers submission deadlines for both of IQSA’s Annual Meetings are fast approaching!

First, the extended deadline to submit paper and panel proposals for the IQSA 2022 Annual Meeting in Palermo is just 3 days awayMarch 7th, 2022! To submit paper and panel proposals, email to This year, the International Qur’anic Studies Association’s Annual Meeting will be hosted by the Giorgio La Pira Library from September 5-7, 2022.

In addition to IQSA’s Annual Meeting in Palermo this September, members also have the opportunity to present or participate in IQSA’s Affiliate SBL/AAR Annual Meeting! The International Qur’anic Studies Association has opened its call for papers for its Annual Meeting to be held in Denver, Colorado from November 18–21, 2021 in conjunction with the Society of Biblical Literature and the American Academy of Religion. Paper proposals should be submitted through the SBL’s automated online submission system under the corresponding “Affiliates” link by March 15, 2022 though 11:59 PM (23:59) Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5) (note: IQSA membership is required for proposal submission).

Questions? Email us at! We look forward to seeing you at IQSA’s events this year.

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2022. All rights reserved.

Reminder: Submit Papers for IQSA/SBL/AAR 2022!

A friendly reminder that in addition to IQSA’s Annual Meeting in Palermo this September, members also have the opportunity to present or participate in IQSA’s Affiliate SBL/AAR Annual Meeting! The International Qur’anic Studies Association has opened its call for papers for its Annual Meeting to be held in Denver, Colorado from November 18–21, 2021 in conjunction with the Society of Biblical Literature and the American Academy of Religion. Paper proposals should be submitted through the SBL’s automated online submission system under the corresponding “Affiliates” link by March 15, 2022 though 11:59 PM (23:59) Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5) (note: IQSA membership is required for proposal submission; see below).

For the 2022 meeting in Denver, IQSA invites proposals for papers that engage any aspect of the Qur’anic text. These may explore particular themes in a given surah or aspects of the Qur’an’s conversation with the religious traditions of Late Antiquity, or even discuss methodological concerns when studying the text or highlight features of physical manuscripts. All topics are welcome.

Please note that all proposals must include:

  • Author name and affiliation
  • Paper title
  • 400 word paper abstract (written in English)

Eligibility for proposal submissions is contingent upon the following:

  • Active IQSA membership is required at the time of proposal submission for the IQSA Program, and the membership status of all applicants will be checked prior to acceptance
  • Participants must maintain current IQSA Membership through their participation in the Annual Meeting

Please also note that:

  • To ensure equity and diversity amongst participants, participants should submit only one paper presentation per IQSA Annual Meeting
  • All participants must adhere to IQSA’s Professional Conduct Policy
  • Participants will be required to register for the conference by submitting payment through SBL’s online submission system (users are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the “Super Saver” rates which end mid-May)

Questions? Email We hope to see you in Denver!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2022. All rights reserved.

EXTENDED DEADLINE: IQSA 2022 Annual Meeting Giorgio La Pira Library and Research Centre, Palermo, Italy 

Attention Friends of IQSA! 

We are happy to inform you that panel and paper submission deadlines for the IQSA 2022 Annual Meeting in Palermo have been extended! IQSA Members now have until March 7th, 2022 to submit paper and panel proposals via email to

This year, the International Qur’anic Studies Association’s Annual Meeting will be held in Palermo, Italy, hosted by the Giorgio La Pira Library from September 5-7, 2022.

Please note that the IQSA membership is required for proposal submission (see below).

The 2022 Annual Meeting welcomes papers on any topic within the range of the interests of the Qur’anic text, encouraging in particular the submission of panels that gather selected speakers invited by a presenter. Individual papers will be accepted as well.

Please note that all proposals for panels must include:

  • Presenter/chair name(s) and affiliation.
  • 100-word short bio (written in English).
  • Panel title.
  • 400-word paper abstract (written in English).
  • Speakers contacted and selected by the presenter and title of each paper.

Proposals for single papers must include:

  • Author name and affiliation.
  • 100-word short bio (written in English).
  • Paper title.
  • 400-word paper abstract (written in English).

Eligibility for proposal submissions is contingent upon the following:

1) Active IQSA membership is required at the time of proposal submission for the
IQSA Program, and the membership status of all applicants will be checked prior
to acceptance.

2) Participants must maintain current IQSA Membership through their
participation in the Annual Meeting.

Please also note that, in order to ensure equity and diversity amongst participants, only one paper presentation per IQSA Annual Meeting should be submitted by any individual participant.

All participants must adhere to IQSA’s Professional Conduct Policy.

Conference registration fees are structured as follows:

  • Registration by the end of June: 140 $
  • Registration by the end of July: 180 $
  • Registration in August and September: 220 $

Students and residents of the Global South will receive 50% discount on the proposed fees.

View the event registration page. Participants will be required to register for the conference by submitting payment through IQSA submission system.

The Conference program will circulate by the beginning of April 2022 and the registration will be opened by the beginning of May with all relevant details about the several available options and activities, like the booking accommodation and childcare facilities or the trip to Monreale and the guided visit of Palermo.

If you require further information about the submission process and the panels organization, please contact Alba Fedeli ( and Devin Stewart ( Any other questions concerning practicalities of the conference in Palermo should be addressed to Francesca Badini ( and concerning registration and payment should go to

We look forward to receiving your proposals!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2022. All rights reserved.

Call for Papers: IQSA Annual Meeting [SBL/AAR] 2022

The International Qur’anic Studies Association has opened its call for papers for its Annual Meeting to be held in Denver, Colorado from November 18–21, 2021 in conjunction with the Society of Biblical Literature and the American Academy of Religion. Paper proposals should be submitted through the SBL’s automated online submission system under the corresponding “Affiliates” link by March 15, 2022 though 11:59 PM (23:59) Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5) (note: IQSA membership is required for proposal submission; see below).

For the 2022 meeting in Denver, IQSA invites proposals for papers that engage any aspect of the Qur’anic text. These may explore particular themes in a given surah or aspects of the Qur’an’s conversation with the religious traditions of Late Antiquity, or even discuss methodological concerns when studying the text or highlight features of physical manuscripts. All topics are welcome.

Please note that all proposals must include:

  • Author name and affiliation
  • Paper title
  • 400 word paper abstract (written in English)

Eligibility for proposal submissions is contingent upon the following:

  • Active IQSA membership is required at the time of proposal submission for the IQSA Program, and the membership status of all applicants will be checked prior to acceptance
  • Participants must maintain current IQSA Membership through their participation in the Annual Meeting

Please also note that:

  • To ensure equity and diversity amongst participants, participants should submit only one paper presentation per IQSA Annual Meeting
  • All participants must adhere to IQSA’s Professional Conduct Policy
  • Participants will be required to register for the conference by submitting payment through SBL’s online submission system (users are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the “Super Saver” rates which end mid-May)

Questions? Email We hope to see you in Denver!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2022. All rights reserved.

Call for Papers: IQSA 2022 Annual Meeting Giorgio La Pira Library and Research Centre, Palermo, Italy 

This year, the International Qur’anic Studies Association’s Annual Meeting will be held in Palermo, Italy, hosted by the Giorgio La Pira Library on September 5-7, 2022.

Paper proposals should be submitted to by March 7, 2022.

Please note that the IQSA membership is required for proposal submission (see below).

The 2022 Annual Meeting welcomes papers on any topic within the range of the interests of the Qur’anic text, encouraging in particular the submission of panels that gather selected speakers invited by a presenter. Individual papers will be

accepted as well.

Please note that all proposals for panels must include:

  • Presenter/chair name(s) and affiliation.
  • 100-word short bio (written in English).
  • Panel title.
  • 400-word paper abstract (written in English).
  • Speakers contacted and selected by the presenter and title of each paper.

Proposals for single papers must include:

  • Author name and affiliation.
  • 100-word short bio (written in English).
  • Paper title.
  • 400-word paper abstract (written in English).

Eligibility for proposal submissions is contingent upon the following:

1) Active IQSA membership is required at the time of proposal submission for the
IQSA Program, and the membership status of all applicants will be checked prior
to acceptance.

2) Participants must maintain current IQSA Membership through their
participation in the Annual Meeting.

Please also note that, in order to ensure equity and diversity amongst participants, only one paper presentation per IQSA Annual Meeting should be submitted by any individual participant.

All participants must adhere to IQSA’s Professional Conduct Policy.

Conference registration fees are structured as follows:

  • Registration by the end of June: 140 $
  • Registration by the end of July: 180 $
  • Registration in August and September: 220 $

Students and residents of the Global South will receive 50% discount on the proposed fees.

View the event registration page. Participants will be required to register for the conference by submitting payment through IQSA submission system.

The Conference programme will circulate by the beginning of April 2022 and the registration will be opened by the beginning of May with all relevant details about the several available options and activities, like the booking accommodation and childcare facilities or the trip to Monreale and the guided visit of Palermo.

If you require further information about the submission process and the panels organization, please contact Alba Fedeli ( and Devin Stewart ( Any other questions concerning practicalities of the conference in Palermo should be addressed to Francesca Badini ( and concerning registration and payment should go to

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2022. All rights reserved.

Reminder: Andrew Rippin Best Paper Prize 2021-22

A friendly reminder that in honor of Andrew Rippin, the International Qur’anic Studies Association (IQSA) will award a prize to the best paper delivered at the 2021 hybrid Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX by a graduate student or early career scholar (Ph.D. awarded 2016 or later).

The prize winner will receive $250. In addition, the award committee will provide him/her with detailed feedback and guidance enabling him/her to expand the paper into a scholarly article that qualifies for publication in the Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association (JIQSA), subject to peer review.

Interested scholars should submit a draft of the paper which they read at the most current Annual Meeting; this draft should be no longer than fifteen double-spaced pages (or 3750 words). Submissions should be sent to by January 5, 2022. The prize winner will be announced by February 1, 2022. The winner should then be prepared to submit a fully revised version of the winning article by April 1, 2022. Publication of the final version is contingent upon review by the award committee and editorial staff of JIQSA.

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2021. All rights reserved.

Andrew Rippin Best Paper Prize 2021-22

Andrew Rippin was the inaugural president of the International Qur’anic Studies Association (2014). He is remembered as “an esteemed colleague, revered mentor, and scholarly inspiration to many members of the IQSA community.” rippinIn honor of Andrew Rippin, the International Qur’anic Studies Association (IQSA) will award a prize to the best paper delivered at the 2021 hybrid Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX by a graduate student or early career scholar (Ph.D. awarded 2016 or later). The prize winner will receive $250. In addition, the award committee will provide him/her with detailed feedback and guidance enabling him/her to expand the paper into a scholarly article that qualifies for publication in the Journal of the International Qur’anic Studies Association (JIQSA), subject to peer review. Interested scholars should submit a draft of the paper which they read at the most current Annual Meeting; this draft should be no longer than fifteen double-spaced pages (or 3750 words). Submissions should be sent to by January 5, 2022. The prize winner will be announced by February 1, 2022. The winner should then be prepared to submit a fully revised version of the winning article by April 1, 2022. Publication of the final version is contingent upon review by the award committee and editorial staff of JIQSA. Questions? Email We look forward to receiving your submissions! © International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2021. All rights reserved.

IQSA Annual Meeting Recordings

The International Qur’anic Studies Association’s 2021 Annual Meeting held online in San Antonio, Texas concluded last week, marking IQSA’s 15th conference held in conjunction with the Society of Biblical Literature and the American Academy of Religion. The 2021 Annual Meeting was the first of its kind—a hybrid conference with both in person and virtual attendees in response to the continued Covid-19 health situation.


All recorded sessions as participant permission allows will be available on-demand through January 31, 2022 to registered attendees. These recordings are available through the mobile app and online planner. If you missed a session, or want to rewatch a panel or presentation, be sure to do so before the videos expire!

In addition, find the conference schedule, abstracts, bios, and IQSA’s Annual Reports in the 2021 IQSA Program Book. IQSA is grateful for its sponsors whose support make the organization’s programming possible!

Finally, IQSA would love to see pictures or screenshots from this year’s events! Please send or share images to, or tag @iqsaweb and use #IQSA21 on social media.

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2021. All rights reserved. 

View the 2021 IQSA Annual Meeting Program Book!

The 2021 IQSA Annual Meeting is just 4 days away! Find all the IQSA sessions, meetings, messages from sponsors, and events in the 2021 Program Book, now available online at this link

Screen Shot 2021-11-15 at 10.23.08 AM

In addition, don’t forget to prepare for the meeting ahead of time!

  • Have you downloaded the Virtual Meetings planner yet? If not, please follow the instructions here.
  • Don’t want to download the app, but would prefer to use your desktop? Please go here.
  • To log into the planner you’ll need the last name used with your registration and your reference number.
  • Whether you’re attending in person or virtually, IQSA wants to see your photos and hear your thoughts! Use #IQSA21 and tag @iqsaweb 

Questions? Email We look forward to seeing you at IQSA’s 15th Annual Meeting!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2021. All rights reserved.

Virtual Tools: IQSA Annual Meeting 2021

IQSA looks forward to gathering next week both in person and virtually to convene its 15th Annual Meeting held in conjunction with the Society of Biblical Literature and American Academy of Religion. For those participants joining us virtually, please find important information about online tools and technical support below:

The mobile app and online planner are now available!


Using the mobile app or interactive web version of the virtual planner will allow you to easily access event sessions, speakers, exhibitors, and organizer messages for the 2021 IQSA Annual Meeting. Download the native app to personalize your schedule, take notes, share contacts, and more! To log into the Virtual Annual Meetings Platform, you will use your registration Reference Number as your username, and your last name as your password.

phone_planner (1)Install the App on Your Device

Download on the Apple App Store

Get it on Google Play

Information and instructions for specific meeting roles:

Need technical assistance? Contact the help desks at or In addition, find FAQs regarding the Annual Meeting platforms here.

Find the full IQSA schedule of events and reports on the IQSA Annual Meeting Program Book & Annual Report.

We look forward to see you on screen or in person next week!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2021. All rights reserved.

RSVP to IQSA’s 2021 Annual Meeting General Reception!

Denver_MeetingSignThe 2021 IQSA Annual Meeting held in conjunction with the Society of Biblical Literature and American Academy of Religion in San Antonio, Texas from November 19–22 is only one week away! One of the highlights of the IQSA Annual Meeting is its General Reception following the Presidential Address, an opportunity for IQSA members convene over food and drink in a causal setting.

This year’s General Reception will be held in person on Friday, November 19th from 8:00 – 10:00pm offsite. If you are registered for the Annual Meeting and plan on attending the General Reception, please RSVP here. Location and other details will be sent to all registrants via email.

Questions? Email

We look forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2021. All rights reserved.

IQSA Graduate Student Luncheon 2021

lunchAttention current students and recent graduates! 

The International Qur’anic Studies Association is delighted to host a special reception for students and early career scholars at its 2021 Annual Meeting in San Antonio.

Date: Saturday November 20, 2021
Time: Lunch Reception, 11:30am-1pm
Venue: In Person, TBA (Off-site)

This will be a valuable opportunity for graduate students and emerging scholars to mingle with established experts in Qur’anic studies in a more relaxed setting–with a light lunch in a semi-private dining area.

IQSA is committed to fostering community in Qur’anic studies by supporting students on their path to professional success and encouraging collaboration across generations, all of which are vital to the advancement of knowledge in our field.

If you are planning to attend the 2021 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, please consider attending the Student Reception. We ask that you please RSVP by filling out this form.

Please note that all attendees must be registered for the In-Person IQSA Annual Meeting.

Questions? Email us at!

We hope to see you there!


© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2021. All rights reserved.