Call for Ph.D. Student “Lightning Talk” Papers at IQSA Annual Meeting 2016

Call for Ph.D. Student “Lightning Talk” Papers at IQSA Annual Meeting 2016


At the 2016 annual meeting in San Antonio, IQSA will host a session of Ph.D. student “lightning talks” as part of our Graduate Student Reception (Saturday, November 19, 11:45-12:45). These five-minute talks are meant to showcase the research of current Ph.D. students/candidates, and will be listed in the program book. Presentations should highlight research on a Ph.D. dissertation topic. Those already scheduled to present at IQSA/SBL/AAR are welcome to participate. To apply, send a one paragraph abstract directly to Gabriel Said Reynolds (

The “lightning talk” session is an excellent opportunity to showcase your research with other students and faculty in the field of Qurʾānic Studies.