IQSA On-Demand!

IQSA On-Demand!

Screen Shot 2021-09-29 at 11.29.34 AMThe International Qur’anic Studies Association offers a variety of traditional resources to further its mission, including academic journals, book reviews, and collected works; but did you know that IQSA also has a collection of video content?

In the recent shift to digital scholarship, IQSA sponsored new series of virtual seminars to continue building bridges amongst scholars across the globe in Qur’anic Studies. Some examples include the IQSA Corona Qur’an Seminars, held in conjunction with the University of Notre Dame at the height of the pandemic, and the Qur’anic Studies in Indonesia series hosted jointly by IQSA and the Indonesian Qur’anic Studies Association (AIAT).

Interested? View these videos for free from the comfort of your home at, or on IQSA’s YouTube page!