Results: IQSA International Meeting Accepted Presenters

Results: IQSA International Meeting Accepted Presenters

The International Qur’anic Studies Association (IQSA) is happy to announce the accepted presenters for its third biennial conference from July 25-26, 2019, hosted by the Tangier Global Forum of the University of New England, Tangier, Morocco. This year’s Call for Papers brought in hundreds of submissions, and the International Programming Committee had the daunting task of selecting the top 35 papers from a very strong pool of applicants.

The finalists chosen to present at the 2019 IQSA International Meeting are as follows:

1.     Amidu O. Sanni – Contestations on “Errors” in Consonantal Qur’an: a Rare Apologia from al-Bāqillānī (d.403/1101) 

2.    Gulfishan Khan

3.     Juan Cole – The Eastern Roman-Sasanian War (603-629) as a Key Symbolic Context for the Qur’an

4.     Anne-Sylvie Boisliveau – “Le statut d’autorité attribué au Coran dans les milieux sunnites de l’âge d’or abbasside : l’exemple des témoignages rassemblés par Abû ‘Ubayd b. Sallâm (m. 224/838).”

5.     Gabriel S. Reynolds – Divine Pathos and Tawba in the Qur’an

6.     Devin J. Stewart – Notes on Generic Punishment Stories in the Qur’an

7.     Anissa eL Gargari -سريانية القرآن وقريانية محمد عند الفرنسي كلود جيليو

8.     Hamza Zafer – {Do you not see that Allah sends down one water from the sky and [yet] brings forth from it fruits of different colors?} (Q35.27) : The Rainwater Metaphor for Communal Difference and Ecumenism in the Quran’s Communitarian Texts.

9.     Michel Cuypers & Sami Larbes – L’analyse rhétorique de la sourate al-Anfāl (8)

10.  Marco Demichelis – Late Byzantine Christological debate and the Qur’ān. Arab Christian Miaphysitism and ‘Īsā ibn Maryam as bi-Rūh al-Quds

11.  Faycal Naim – المظاهر الفنية بالمخطوطات القرآنية المحفوظة بالجزائر – بين الطراز المغربي و الطراز العثماني

12.  Nadeen M. Alsulaimi – سورة الإنسان مكية أم مدنية: قراءة موضوعية بلاغية لسورة الإنسان بالتوازي مع سورة القيامة

13.  John Tolan – Napoleon as reader of the Qur’an

14.  Emmanuelle Stefanidis – Les controverses autour du Coran au IVe-Ve siècles : Pouvoir, théologie et textualité sous l’empire abbaside

15.  Fred Donner

16.  Bahador Ghayem – الديانة الصابئية فی القرآن و تطبيق اصولها الثلاثة – التوحيد و المعاد و النبوة – بالقرآن

17.  Zahrul Fata – القراءة الحديثة للنص القرآني وأثرها في الدراسات القرآنية في إندونيسيا

18.  Holger M. Zellentin – Qur’anic Law and Anti-Rabbinic Polemics

19.  Suleyman Dost – The Rise and Fall of a Genre: The Maṣāḥif Books in Context

20.  Mehdy Shaddel – Satanic corruption of scripture between the pseudo-Clementina and the Quran

21.  Marijn van Putten – The Overrepresentation of Non-Canonical Readings in Early Manuscripts: A study of BnF Arabe 329d

22.  Morgan Davis – Punishment Stories in the Bible, the Qur’an, and the Book of Mormon

23.  Hasan Bazayniyah – ترجمة القرآن ومنازع التأويل: ترجمة بلاشير لسورة النّجم أنموذجا

24.  Saber Ahmed – كتاب القرآن: الاتصال والانفصال بالكتاب المقدس

25.  Monya El Almi – انتلجنسيا المناهج التفسيريّة بشمال إفريقيا من التّأصيل إلى التّحديث -تونس أنموذجا-

26.  Jamel el-Hamri –« Malek Bennabi ou Le phénomène coranique comme « vérité travaillante » au service d’un projet de société réformiste au Maghreb »

27.  Peter Riddell – The Signposts of the Revelation by al-Baghawi (d. 1122)

28.  Bruce Fudge – Odysseus’ Scar and Ibrāhīm’s Trial

29.  Ali Fathi – معيارية تفسير القرآن و تحدیاتها

30.  Mohamed Lamallam – Terminological Study: A Novel Exegetical Method in Morocco

31.  Mohammed Al Dhfar – Tafsīr and the conflict of the Empires in the 14th Century: al-Subkī on al-Zamakhsharī’s Kashshāf

32.  Enno H. Dango – Demythologizing the Miracles of the Qurʾān, Muḥammad Asad’s Rationalist Translation and Interpretation

33.  Arafat Razzaque – Abraham’s Ascension and Vision of the World: Muslim Redactions of Jewish Pseudepigrapha in Tafsīr Literature

34.  Rabii al-Hashimi Noqri – علاقة القرآن بالكتب السابقة من خلال مفهوم النسخ ل “غوبيو جونفييف”

35. Raashid S. Goyal – The Qur’anic Aʿrāb: A Reassessment

36. Mehdi Azaiez

37. Nishadali Wafy

Details about conference registration, accommodations, funding, and travel are forthcoming. Paper presenters should expect an email with their official acceptance this week. Attendance to the International Meeting as non-presenters is permitted and encouraged for those who submitted proposals but were not accepted.

On behalf of the IQSA International Programming Committee, we thank all who submitted proposals. We are delighted to witness such overwhelming support from the global IQSA community and look forward to an exciting program in Tangier!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2019. All rights reserved.