Cover, Copyright, Table of Contents 

Isma’il, Dhu ‘l-Kifl, and Idris: A Reading of the Qur’anic Text and Muslim Exegesis

The Pre-Islamic Divine Name ‘sy and the Background of the Qur’anic Jesus

The Narratives of “the Companions of the Cave”

The Two Sons of Adam: Rabbinic Resonances and Scriptural Virtuosity in Surah al-Maidah

Obituary: F. E. Peters

F. E. (Francis Edward) Peters, a scholar best known as a historian of religion, died on April 30, 2020 in New York at the age of 93. A native of New York City, Peters was trained in the Jesuit tradition, received his MA in Latin and Greek at St. Louis University, and received a licentiate degree in philosophy from the Pontifical Institute in Rome. After having been released from his Jesuit vows in 1954, he went on to earn a degree in Russian language studies at Fordham University and a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from Princeton in 1961. He chaired both the Classics and Middle East Studies departments at New York University, where he taught for forty-seven years, retiring in 2008.

Dissimilation of ē to ā in the Qur’anic Consonantal Text

Response to Devin Stewart’s 2019 IQSA Presidential Adress

Noah’s Boat and Other Missed Opportunities (2019 IQSA Presidential Adress)

Obituary: Josef van Ess (1934–2021)

Obituary: Uri Rubin (1944–2021)

Obituary: Alan Jones (1933–2021)