Program Now Available! IQSA 2022 Annual Meeting in Palermo

The program is now available for the International Qur’anic Studies Association’s 2022 Annual Meeting in Palermo, Italy from September 5-7, 2022!

Hosted by the Giorgio La Pira Library and Research Centre, this program features Keynote Lectures by Roberto Tottoli (University of Naples L’Orientale), Johanna Pink (University of Freiburg), and Fred Donner (University of Chicago), in addition to a variety of panels, performances, receptions, and tours. 
Participants are required to register for the conference online.
Conference registration fees are structured as follows:
  • Registration by the end of June: 140 $
  • Registration by the end of July: 180 $
  • Registration in August and September: 220 $

Students and residents of the Global South will receive 50% discount on the proposed fees.

View the event registration page

FSCIRE (La Pira Library), will offer travel grants up to € 500 to students, PhD students, post-docs, and scholars participating in the conference to cover travel, accommodation and subsistence costs and conference fees. The grants are also accessible to those who would like to attend the meeting as auditors, i.e., without offering a conference paper.

If you require further information, please contact Alba Fedeli ( and Devin Stewart ( Any other questions concerning practicalities of the conference in Palermo should be addressed to Francesca Badini ( and concerning registration and payment should go to


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