IQSA Annual Meeting 2022
Giorgio La Pira Library and Research Centre, Palermo, Sicily
The International Qur’anic Studies Association (IQSA) is happy to announce its 2022 Annual Meeting from September 5-7, 2022, hosted by the Giorgio La Pira Library and Research Centre (Palermo, Italy). The 2022 Annual Meeting features papers on any topic within the range of the interests of the Qur’anic text, encouraging in particular the submission of panels that gather selected speakers invited by a presenter. Individual papers have been accepted as well. Please find a short and full detailed program below:
All participants must adhere to IQSA’s Professional Conduct Policy.
Conference registration fees are structured as follows:
- Registration by the end of June: 140 $
- Registration by the end of July: 180 $
- Registration in August and September: 220 $
Students and residents of the Global South will receive 50% discount on the proposed fees.
View the event registration page.
Participants are required to register for the conference online.
Any questions concerning practicalities of the conference in Palermo should be addressed to Francesca Badini ( and concerning registration and payment should go to
The “Giorgio La Pira” Library and Research Centre in Palermo, Sicily, is a ‘twin’ of the “Giuseppe Dossetti” Library in Bologna, both established by the Foundation for Religious Studies “John XXIII” (FSCIRE).
FSCIRE is a leading research institution in Italy. It coordinates the European starting community ReiReS (Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies) and the European research infrastructure RESILIENCE; it is the founder and promoter of the European Academy of Religion and it hosts the UNESCO Chair on Religious Pluralism and Peace.
In October 2018, the “Giorgio La Pira” Library was established as a research centre specialised in the history and doctrines of Islam, with the aim of representing all its linguistic, doctrinal, and cultural varieties. The library is dedicated to Giorgio La Pira (1904-1977), a Sicilian scholar and political leader who played a key role in the peace movement throughout his life and career.
One of the main goals of the “Giorgio La Pira” Library and Research Centre is to represent all traditions of Islam and to encourage their research cooperation, in an effort to create an area of rights and understanding through scientific progress in the fields of history, theology, jurisprudence, philosophy, and philology.
© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2022. All rights reserved.