Conference Schedule

Full SBL/AAR Conference Schedule available on SBL’s site


Conference Schedule: IQSA Events 2018


The Qur’an: Manuscripts and Textual Criticism

4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Room: 709 (Street Level) – Convention Center (CC)

Theme: Manuscripts and Commentaries: Access and Interpretation
Alba Fedeli, Universität Hamburg, Presiding

Manal Najjar, University of Tabuk
The Quranic Orthography: A Pragmatic–Sociolinguistic Approach (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Marijn van Putten, Leiden University
Orthographic Idiosyncrasies and the Written Quranic Prototype (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Daniel Brubaker, Qur’an Gateway
Taking Stock of the Special Challenges and Opportunities of Current Digital Technologies and Applications for Qurʾan Manuscript Studies (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Mohsen Goudarzi, Harvard University
Deciphering the Sana’a Palimpsest (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Eléonore Cellard, Collège de France
From Coptic to Arabic: A New Palimpsest for the History of the Qur’an in Early Islam (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)

General Reception
6:30 PM
Location: Uncle Joe’s Hong Kong Bistro
891 14th St 100, Denver CO 80202



Linguistic, Literary, and Thematic Perspectives on the Qur’anic Corpus

9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Room: 709 (Street Level) – Convention Center (CC)
Theme: The Meaning of the Word: Focusing on Qur’anic Vocabulary

Sarra Tlili, University of Florida, Presiding
Saqib Hussain, University of Oxford
Ḥikmah in the Qur’an (20 min)
Marijn van Putten, Leiden University
The Absence of Syriac Borrowings in the Qurʾān (20 min)
Joseph Lowry, University of Pennsylvania
Qur’anic Normativity:  A (Preliminary) Nomochronic Assessment (25 min)
Shawkat M. Toorawa, Yale University
Some Thoughts on awtad and What’s a(t) Stake (25 min)

Discussion (20 min)

Graduate Student Luncheon 
11:30 AM
Location: Offsite
Lucky Pie 1610 16th Street Denver, CO 8020


Qur’anic Studies: Methodology and Hermeneutics

1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Room: 709 (Street Level) – Convention Center (CC)
Theme: Bias and Identity Politics in the Western Academic Study of the Qur’an

Karen Bauer, The Institute of Ismaili Studies, Presiding
Kecia Ali, Boston University, Panelist (25 min)
Ghazala Anwar, Starr King School for the Ministry, Panelist (25 min)
Emran El Badawi, University of Houston, Panelist (25 min)
Joseph Lowry, University of Pennsylvania, Panelist (25 min)
Shari Lowin, Stonehill College, Panelist (25 min)
Shawkat Toorawa, Yale University, Panelist (25 min)


The Qur’an: Manuscripts and Textual Criticism

4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Room: 709 (Street Level) – Convention Center (CC)
Theme: Manuscripts and Commentaries

Shady H. Nasser, Harvard University, Presiding
Iskandar Bcheiry, American Theological Library Association
Qur’anic Leaves in Kufic Script on Vellum from the Ninth or Tenth Centuries in the Monastery of Saint Lazarus, Venice (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Saima Syed, Taxila Institute of Asian Civilization, QAU
Significant Features of Qur’ans Produced in Subcontinent: A Comparative Study of Bihari and Kashmiri Qur’ans (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Sheza Alqera Atiq, Harvard University
The Spoken and the Written: Oral Influences on Exegetical Practice and Writing in the Late Islamic Classical Period (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Haci Osman “Ozzy” Gunduz, Harvard University
The Muʿtazilite Doctrine of Ṣarfa in Al-Nāshīʾ al-Akbar’s Poetry Criticism (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Aladdin Al-Tarawneh, Zarqa University
Towards a Hybrid Model for Translating the Quran: Boosting Interfaith Dialogue and Dispelling Misunderstanding (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)


The Qur’an and Late Antiquity

9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Room: 709 (Street Level) – Convention Center (CC)
Michael Pregill, Boston University, Presiding

Sarah L. Schwarz, Princeton University
Horses, Worms, and Ants: The Power of Solomon in the Qur’an and Biblical Literatures (20 min)
Tommaso Tesei, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Q 23:93-103 and 4 Ezra 7 (20 min)
David S. Powers, Cornell University
Zayd, Zaynab, and Muhammad: Revisited (20 min)
Johanne Louise Christiansen, University of Copenhagen
“Recite Whatever Recitation Is Feasible for You (fa’qra’u ma tayassara min al-qur’an)”: A System Theoretical Reading of  Qur’anic Moderation Strategies (20 min)
Discussion (30 min)


IQSA Business Meeting
11:30 AM
Location: 709 (Street Level) – Convention Center (CC)
Open to IQSA Members



The Qur’an and the Biblical Tradition

1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Room: 709 (Street Level) – Convention Center (CC)
Theme: The Qur’an and the Biblical Tradition I

Rachel Claire Dryden, University of Cambridge, Presiding
Angels from Babylon, Magic from Heaven? Uncovering the Origins of the Tale of Hārūt and Mārūt (Q 2:102) (30 min)
Shari L. Lowin, Stonehill College
“Surely God is poor and We are rich”: Q 3:181 and Jewish Blasphemy? (30 min)
Holger Zellentin, University of Cambridge
Heavenly Scriptures, the Interjections of the sayatin, and the Protection of the Prophets from Late Antiquity to Early Islam (30 min)
Sarra Tlili, University of Florida
The Lives of Joseph–and of His Garment (30 min)


The Qur’an and the Biblical Tradition

4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Room: 709 (Street Level) – Convention Center (CC)

Theme: The Qur’an and the Biblical Tradition II

Holger Zellentin, University of Cambridge, Presiding
Stephen Burge, Institute of Ismaili Studies
Disciplining the Soul: Ritual, Theology and the Biblical and Post-Biblical Antecedents of Fasting in the Qur’an (30 min)
David Vishanoff, University of Oklahoma
Between Qur’an and Psalmody: How Medieval Muslim Piety Integrated Two Notions of Scripture (30 min)
Stuart B Langley, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Hard Hearts, Blind Eyes, and Deaf Ears: A Literary Comparison of Surah 7:179, Isaiah 6:10, and Matthew 13:15 (30 min)


Qur’anic Studies: Methodology and Hermenuetics

9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Room: 709 (Street Level) – Convention Center (CC)
Theme: Studies on the Interpretation of the Qur’an

Feras Hamza, University of Wollongong in Dubai, Presiding

Gabriel Said Reynolds, University of Notre Dame
The Problem of Qurʾanic Insertions (25 min)
Thomas Hoffmann, University of Copenhagen
The Iconic Qurʾan: A Materialist Reading of the Qurʾanic Cult of Writing (25 min)
Johanna Pink, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Ṣabr. An Activist Turn in Qurʾanic hermeneutics (25 min)


The Qur’an: Surah Studies

1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Room: 709 (Street Level) – Convention Center (CC)
Theme: The Musabbihat

Shawkat Toorawa, Yale University, Presiding
Adam Flowers, University of Chicago
The Many Genres of al-Musabbiḥāt (40 min)
Karim Samji, Gettysburg College
Mapping the Musabbiḥāt: Genre Boundaries and Sūra Structure (40 min)
Andrew J. O’Connor, University of Notre Dame
Prophetic Authority and Formulaic Diction in al-Musabbiḥāt (40 min)



The Qur’an and Late Antiquity

4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Room: 709 (Street Level) – Convention Center (CC)
Johanne Christiansen, University of Copenhagen, Presiding
Karen L. Carducci, Catholic University of America
Imagining Arabia from “Divinely Blessed” to “Accursed Desert”: Greco-Roman Stereotypes about Pre-Islamic Arabian Society (20 min)
Emran El-Badawi, University of Houston
The Evolution of God? Trinitarian Deities in the Qur’an (20 min)
Brannon Wheeler, United States Naval Academy
Pre-Islamic Camel Sacrifice in the Qur’an (20 min)
Stephen J Shoemaker, University of Oregon
Anastasius of Sinai’s Witness to Earliest Islam: Some New Evidence (20 min)
Discussion (30 min)