Attention Friends of IQSA! A friendly reminder that the new, extended deadline to submit paper and panel proposals for the IQSA...
A friendly reminder that in addition to IQSA’s Annual Meeting in Palermo this September, members also have the opportunity to present...
Attention Friends of IQSA! We are happy to inform you that panel and paper submission deadlines for the IQSA 2022 Annual Meeting in...
The International Qur’anic Studies Association has opened its call for papers for its Annual Meeting to be held in Denver, Colorado...
This year, the International Qur’anic Studies Association’s Annual Meeting will be held in Palermo, Italy, hosted by the Giorgio La Pira...
A friendly reminder that the deadline for Andrew Rippin Best Paper Prize submissions has been extended to Monday, January 31, 2022, meaning you still...
Miss the cutoff for Andrew Rippin Best Paper Prize submissions? Now worries! The deadline has now been extended to Monday, January...
A friendly reminder that in honor of Andrew Rippin, the International Qur’anic Studies Association (IQSA) will award a prize to the...
Andrew Rippin was the inaugural president of the International Qur’anic Studies Association (2014). He is remembered as “an esteemed colleague, revered...
The ERC European Research Project ‘The European Qur’an‘ will organize a Summer School on the theme “The Qur’an in inter-Christian polemic” which will take...
The Great Lakes Adiban Society (GLAS) is the sponsor of two events at the upcoming International Congress for Medieval Studies, to...
Esotericism and the Qur’an / L’ésoterisme et le Coran Unversity of Lausanne & University of Geneva Lausanne, May 5–7, 2022 Background...