Call for Papers Highlight: Qurʾan Seminar

IQSA welcomes proposals for papers at our 2014 conference in San Diego under one of five program units. (See here for a complete listing). This week, we highlight the Qurʾan Seminar program unit, which invites interested students and scholars to discuss select passages of the Qurʾan in a round table format.

For this program unit, participants will not present a conference paper but rather join their colleagues in a detailed conversation from the perspective of various disciplines, such as history, grammar, paleography, and rhetorical theory. The goal of these conversations is to encourage a dynamic, multi-voiced, and collaborative study of the text of the Qurʾan.  After participation in Qurʾan Seminar sessions, participants will be invited to add their commentaries to an interactive website, with features including multiple translations, cross references, and hyperlinking. For more information on the Qurʾan Seminar methodology see

In light of the unique nature of the Qurʾan Seminar sessions, in lieu of a traditional title and abstract, interested scholars are invited to submit a paragraph commentary of the passages to which the sessions will be devoted.  For more information see here.

Important Notes about Proposing a Paper for IQSA 2014

* IQSA is an independent learned society, although our meeting overlaps with those of SBL and AAR.  In order to attend IQSA 2014, membership in IQSA and registration for the SBL/AAR conference will be necessary. (The first day of the IQSA conference, however, will be open to the general public).

* All interested students and scholars may submit a proposal through SBL’s website, here. Scroll down to the “Affiliate” section, then click on the chosen IQSA program unit name. [Look in particular for the “(IQSA)” indication at the end of the unit titles]. Instructions for those with and without SBL membership can be found by clicking through to these individual program unit pages.

* Details on low-cost membership in IQSA will be published on the IQSA blog in Spring 2014. Make sure you are subscribed!

© International Qur’anic Studies Association, 2014. All rights reserved.