Call for Papers: Archaeology of Islamic Society [ASOR]

American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) will hold its annual meeting on November 18-21, 2020, in Boston, Massachusetts. This meeting will feature a session entitled “Archaeology of Islamic Society” and will be chaired by Beatrice St. Laurent (Bridgewater State University). The session is open to any research from any period relating to the Archaeology of Islamic Society. The session is open to papers on any period in recent fieldwork, synthetic analyses of multiple field seasons, as well as any area of current archaeological research focused on Islamic Society.

asorThe deadline for the submission of abstracts is February 15, 2020.

Abstracts (max 250 words) must be submitted electronically through ASOR’s Abstracts Online Management System, selecting “Archaeology of Islamic Society” in the session field.

Please find general instructions on individual abstract submission and guidelines on the content and format of abstracts here.

Please note that ASOR Membership is a prerequisite for participation in the ASOR Meeting, as well as registration to the 2020 ASOR Annual Meeting is required for submitting your abstracts. For further information about the conference and registration, please visit the conference website. For any questions, email the session chair, Beatrice St. Laurent (


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