Call for Nominations

The IQSA Nominations Committee welcomes nominations for several positions. The IQSA Board of Directors needs to appoint a President Elect for 2018. Furthermore, the term of two members of the nominations committee, as well as the first term of two members of the board will expire by the end of 2017. Please see the IQSA bylaws for the description of the roles.

It is crucial that we receive nominations especially for the presidency and the nominations committee. As for the board, we expect the two members who are eligible for a second term to be willing to continue with their stellar work, yet it is crucial that we also receive nominations for these positions in case any new appointments should become necessary.

The Nominations Committee would like to ask all IQSA members to nominate possible candidates for these roles. Please note that the Nominations Committee strives for diversity in professional and academic participation. The consultation and discussion of nominations and submissions is done with great care and will ensure confidentiality.

You must be a paid member to nominate. If you are not a member join today. Please send your nominations to by November 10, 2016.