Mehdi Azaiez and Gabriel Said Reynolds (editors) along with De Gruyter Press are pleased to announce a book launch in celebration of: The Qur’an Seminar Commentary: A Collaborative Study of 50 Qur’anic Passages / Le Qur’an Seminar: Commentaire collaboratif de 50 passages coraniques, to take place during the 2016 annual meeting of the International Quranic Studies Association in San Antonio (Sunday November 20, 1:00-2:30 p.m. Room: Texas C, 4th Level, Grand Hyatt). The Qurʾān seminar volume is a bilingual (French/English) commentary presented in an unprecedented collaborative format with the rich analysis of 25 different scholars of diverse specializations including Patricia Crone, Michel Cuypers Gerald Hawting, Andrew Rippin, Devin Stewart, and Shawkat Toorawa (see below for a full list of contributors). The work includes commentary on fifty Qurʾānic passages including:
– Q 1, al-Fatiha
– Q 2:30-39, the angelic prostration before Adam
– Q 2:255, the “Throne Verse”
– Q 3:7, the muhkamat and mutashabihat
– Q 4:3, polygamy and monogamy
– Q 5:112-15, the table (al-ma’ida) from heaven
– Q 9:29, fighting the People of the Book and the jizya
– Q 12, the story of Joseph
– Q 24:45, the “Light Verse”
– Q 33:40, the “seal of the prophets”
– Q 53, the “satanic verses”
– Q 96, including the passage often described as the “first revelation”
– Q 97, the “night of qadr”
– Q 105, the “Companions of the Elephant”
– Q 112, on God and the denial of a divine son
Each section of commentary includes the Arabic text of the Qurʾān along with the English Qurʾān translation of Tarif Khalidi and the French Qurʾān translation of Muhammad Hamidullah. At the Book Launch a number of contributors, among them Mehdi Azaiez, Emran El-Badawi, Sidney Griffith, Daniel Madigan, Michael Pregill, and Gabriel Said Reynolds will offer their reflections on the importance of this book to the field of Qurʾānic Studies. Tokens will also be distributed which will give attendees free access to sections of the digital version of the The Qur’an Seminar Commentary.
Contributors to the Qurʾān Seminar Commentary
Azaiez, Mehdi
Crone, Patricia
Cuypers, Michel
Dye, Guillaume
El-Badawi, Emran
Firestone, Reuven
Grodzki: Marcin
Hawting, Gerald
Hilali, Asma
Imbert, Frédéric
Khalfallah, Nejmeddine
Kropp, Manfred
Madigan, Daniel
Pregill, Michael
Reynolds, Gabriel Said
Rippin, Andrew
Sirry, Mun’im
Stefanidis, Emmanuelle
Stewart, Devin
Tengour, Esma
Tesei, Tommaso
Toorawa, Shawkat
Winitzer, Abraham
Younes, Munther
Zellentin, Holger